Renders react components as static html markup. One CSS file and one JS file are generated which contain all the styles and scripts.
yarn install
Serves the playground (components/playground/playground):
yarn dev
Builds a static pattern library under dist/atomic:
yarn build
Production build:
yarn build:prod
React with styled-components is fine if you want to build a dynamic web app. With frameworks like Next.js or GatsbyJS you can build static pages, too.
But I needed a tool which makes it possible to deliver single React components as static HTML from a CMS as individual building blocks. Furthermore I liked the CSS in JS approach from styled-components but the class names in my case needed to be fixed and not hashed.
atomic-generator-react consists of three parts:
The atomic-renderer script with the package under libs/atomic-renderer creates a static Pattern Library that also shows the HTML markup of the React components. These components are defined in atomic.json files which works a little bit like the stories files from Storybook.