Supported Python versions are 3.10 and 3.11:
python3.11 -m pip install git+
Fws will run much faster if you have numba installed:
python3.11 -m pip install numba
> Python
Python 3.11.6 (main, Nov 30 2023, 12:53:53) [Clang 15.0.0 (clang-1500.0.40.1)] on darwin
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> from fws import fws
>>> help(fws)
Help on function fws in module fws:
fws(a: typing.Annotated[numpy.ndarray[typing.Any, numpy.dtype[~DType]], typing.Literal['N', 2]], input: str = 'AD') -> <built-in function array>
Calculate Fws for each sample in a population, from an array of biallelic allele depth or genotype information
a : ArrayNxNx2
numpy.array with shape: (n_sites x n_samples x 2) containing allele depth (AD)
or genotype (GT) information at biallelic sites for each sample.
input: str = "AD" [| "GT"]
specifies what the contents of `a` are - either the allele depth for each allele
for each sample at each site (the default), or diploid genotype calls.
An array of fws values, in the same order as the samples in the input
You can try the functionality using the numpy arrays in this respository: testdata/AD.npy
and testdata/GT.npy
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from fws import fws
>>> AD = np.load("path/to/AD.npy")
>>> fws(AD)
array([0.99514152, 0.99817753, 0.99540397, 0.99217399, 0.99927452,
0.99928477, 0.99831041, 0.99925686, 0.99913666, 0.99934953,
>>> GT = np.load("path/to/GT.npy")
>>> fws(GT, "GT")
array([0.99937286, 0.99928378, 0.99932071, 0.99837554, 0.99939141,
0.99950813, 0.99884664, 0.99925243, 0.99962376, 0.99944396,
Require pytest to be installed:
python3.11 -m pip install pytest
> git clone
> cd fws
> pytest