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At Bjerk, we're all about making your life better by changing the way we think, learn, communicate, and work. We do this by making digital products. A big part of this is making sure our users have a great experience, which can be tough.

That's where our Chrome Extension comes in. It lets us test out new features with some users, tell people about updates, and overall, make things better for everyone. This tool helps us communicate with you, our team, and our stakeholders more effectively. It's our way of making sure everyone has the best experience possible.

How to use it

Right now, we are dogfooding the application internally at Bjerk, and we only support showing features. We hope to release it to a larger group soon! If you still want to try it out, you can download the ZIP for our latest release and run it using development mode in Chrome.

🚀 Install the extension

Note: Currently, only Bjerk employees can use the link above.


We are happy to receive any contributions to this project. If you want to contribute, please open an issue or a pull request.


This project is built using React and TypeScript. We use PNPM as our package manager.

Getting started

  1. Clone the repository
  2. Run pnpm install
  3. Run pnpm dev
  4. Go to chrome://extensions/ in Chrome
  5. Enable developer mode
  6. Click Load unpacked and select the dist folder in this repository

The extension should now be installed and you should be able to see it in your extensions list. The application also hot reloads when you make changes to the code.


This project is licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.