Initializing a project as of react-native 0.72.5 CLI does not guarantee happiness. This project promotes peace and love.
This is a script that you can run on a freshly-created ("npx react-native@latest init fooooo") that makes sure things are present and configured.
This does not remove the need for (react-native) doctor. That needs to be solid too.
If doctor is NOT green, this script may point the way to fixing those issues (all except "you don't have a device or simulator connected").
It is safe and perhaps helpful to run it BEFORE running doctor.
Download the script run it from the root of the project directory.
$ npx react-native@latest init foobar
$ cd foobar
$ npx react-native doctor <--- if you like
$ python somewhere/
...Output: does things. leaves copy of messages in **reactnative-fixup.txt**
$ npx react-native doctor <--- at least once, verify it is ALL GREEN
$ npx react-native run-android
Issues and PRs welcome!
Many of those errors require you to restart your shell / command prompt. If you are using VSCode's Terminal you must completely restart VSCode not just starting a new terminal.