This library collects various image processing algorithms and provides a simple access to them. All algorithms are implemented in Java and runs without any other dependencies. If you need high power performance better use opencv for processing.
If you want to use this library in your processing sketch you can download it via the intergrated Contribution Manager
Photo is taken by me more here
PImage processedImage = Grayscale.apply(image);
PImage processedImage = Flip.apply(image, horizontal, vertical); // horizontal and vertical are boolean
// invertRed, invertGreen and invertBlue are boolean
PImage processedImage = InvertColors.apply(image, invertRed, invertGreen, invertBlue);
PImage processedImage = Threshold.apply(image); // Auto threshold
PImage processedImage = Threshold.apply(image, value); // Threshold value between 0 and 255
PImage processedImage = Dilation.apply(image, radius); // radius is a positive number
PImage processedImage = Erosion.apply(image, radius); // radius is a positive number
// intensity and vignetteWidth are floats between 0.0 and 1.0
PImage processedImage = Vignette.apply(image, intensity, vignetteWidth);
PImage processedImage = Quantization.apply(image, shades); // shades is a positive number between 1 and 255
PImage processedImage = Gaussian.apply(image, 7, 0.84089642); // kernel size and sigma
// pixelsize is a positive number
PImage processedImage = Pixelation.apply(image, pixelsize);
// Pixelize a sub area of the input image
PImage processedImage = Pixelation.apply(image, pixelsize, subX, subY, subWidth, subHeight);
PImage processedImage = TiltShift.apply(image, blurIntensity, horizontal, position, sharpWideness);
PImage processedImage = CannyEdgeDetector.apply(image);
PImage processedImage = SobelEdgeDetector.apply(image);
// for colored sobel (for each color channel)
PImage processedImage = SobelEdgeDetector.apply(image, false);
PImage processedImage = Brightness.apply(image, value);
// value isa positive number for brighting up or a negative for darken down
// intensity between -1.0 and 1.0
PImage processedImage = Lights.apply(image, intensity);
// intensity between -1.0 and 1.0
PImage processedImage = Shadows.apply(image, intensity);
PImage processedImage = AutoBalance.apply(image);
PImage processedImage = Bloom.apply(image, intensity); // intensity between 0 and 255
PImage processedImage = Sharpen.apply(image, sharpIntensity); // sharpIntensity between 0.0 and 10.0
// hue is a value between 0 and 360
// offset is the color range which is accepted (in hue range)
// shift is the number of the subtracted or added hue value
PImage processedImage = ColorShift.applyHue(image, hue, offset, shift); // or short: ColorShift.apply(image, hue, offset, shift)
PImage processedImage = ColorShift.applySaturation(image, hue, offset, shift);
PImage processedImage = ColorShift.applyBrightness(image, hue, offset, shift);
PImage processedImage = LUT.apply(image, style);
PImage processedImage = Glitch.apply(image, intensity, scanlineheight);
// default dithering algorithm is BAYER_4x4
PImage processedImage = Dithering.apply(image);
// change algrithm: BAYER_2x2, BAYER_4x4, BAYER_8x8
PImage processedImage = Dithering.apply(image, Dithering.Algorithm.BAYER_8x8);
// use a curstom kernel (kernel = float[])
PImage processedImage = Dithering.aapply(PImage image, kernel);
PImage processedImage = Halftone.apply(image, dotsize); // dot size in pixel
PImage processedImage = Halftone.apply(image, dotsize, grid); // grid = true, on false honeycomb style
PImage processedImage = Halftone.apply(image, dotsize, foreground, background); // background and foreground colors
PImage processedImage = Halftone.apply(image, dotsize, foreground, background, grid);
PImage processedImage = Halftone.apply(image, dotsize, foreground, background, spacing, grid); // size between dots in pixels
PImage processedImage = ASCII.apply(image);
// characterset = ASCII.SHORT_SET or ASCII.LONG_SET, another String from black to white
PImage processedImage = ASCII.apply(image, characterset);
PImage processedImage = ASCII.apply(image, characterset, fontSize); // fontSize is an integer
PImage processedImage = ASCII.apply(image, characterset, fontSize, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, toneInColor);
// Add so many images in the end as you need
PImage processedImage = Stacker.apply(Stacker.ALGORITHM.AVERAGE, image1, image2);
PImage processedImage = Stacker.apply(Stacker.ALGORITHM.MEDIAN, image1, image2);
// intensity is a float between 0.0 and 1.0
PImage processedImage = Blend.apply(image1, image2, intensity);
My special thanks goes to avatarr for implementing and publishing basic algorithms. Also thank you very much Tom Gibara for your great blog post and the implementation of the canny edge detector.