For most Linux and Windows users: use the pre-built binaries from the official site. But if you feel brave..
master branch can be unstable or even broken. Use releases if you are not going to hack Enki
- Python 3
- PyQt5. With SVG support.
- Qutepart
- Qt Console
- [PyQt5 QtWebEngine bindings].
- Python-Markdown. For Markdown preview
- Docutils. For reStructuredText preview
- ctags. For navigation in file
- regex. For preview synchronization
- CodeChat. For source code to HTML translation (literate programming)
- Sphinx. To build Sphinx documentation.
- Flake8. To lint your Python code.
apt-get install python3 libqt5svg5 python3-pyqt5 python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine python3-qtconsole python3-markdown python3-docutils ctags
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
If your repo doesn't contain python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine, remove python3-pyqt5, python3-sip, and do pip3 install PyQt5
Install Qutepart from sources.
Find and install listed packages with your package manager. Install Qutepart from sources.
Go to official pages of the projects, download packages and install according to instructions.
Download source archive
python3 install
Don't forget to send a bug report if you are having some problems
python3 bin/enki
make bump-version # Set next version number. Commit the changes
make changelog-update # Edit and commit 3 changelog files
git tag vx.x.x
git push
git push --tags
make push-obs # upload the version to Open Suse build service
# make pip release TODO document this step
- Andrei Kopats (aka andreikop) ported core and some plugins to Python, reworked it and released the result as Enki
- Filipe Azevedo, Andrei Kopats and Monkey Studio v2 team developed Monkey Studio v2