This role is used to convert RHV/oVirt virtual disks from thin to preallocated or preallocated to thin format on the specified virtual machine. It is also possible to free space in the disk image that is not used by its filesystem. As a result, the image will occupy less space on the storage.
This role utilizes the ovirt ansible modules provided by the Ovirt community.
This role expects a number of variables to be set. See the defaults/main.yml file for full explanation.
Define variables to convert (see defaults/main.yml for more info):
rhv_create_vms_rhvm: "rhvm host name"
rhv_create_vms_rhvm_user: "username"
rhv_create_vms_rhvm_password: "password"
host: "host"
Execute role in a playbook:
- name: RHV VM Virtual Disk Convert
gather_facts: false
hosts: rhvm
- name: Convert virtual disks of the VM on RHV
name: vm_disk_convert
- vm_disk_convert
CC-BY-SA-4.0 (
Bilhan Karaoeren
Ali Akkaya