Browser/javascript like console class for PHP
Log, Debug, Inspect
- PHP port of the javascript web console api
- multiple simultaneous output options
- ChromeLogger
- FirePHP (no FirePHP dependency!)
- Plain text / file
- <script>
- WebSocket (WAMP)
- "plugin"
- "Collectors" / wrappers for
- Guzzle
- Doctrine
- Mysqli
- PhpCurlClass
- SimpleCache
- SoapClient
- SwiftMailer
- more
- PSR-3 (Logger) Implementation
- PSR-15 (Middleware) Implementation
- custom error handler
- errors (even fatal) are captured / logged / displayed
- optionally send error notices via email (throttled as to not to send out a flood of emails)
- password protected
- send debug log via email
This library supports PHP 5.4 - 8.4
It is installable and autoloadable via Composer as bdk/debug.
"require": {
"bdk/debug": "^3.4",
installation without Composer
As of v3.3 this is no longer officially supported due to now requiring one or more dependencies.
PHPDebugConsole includes a PSR-3 implementation (which can be used as a monolog PSR handler). If you're using a application or library that uses these standards, drop PHPDebugConsole right in.
(this library includes neither psr/log or monolog/monolog. Include separately if needed.)
// instantiate PHPDebugLogger / get instance
$debug = \bdk\Debug::getInstance();
$psr3logger = $debug->logger;
$psr3logger->emergency('fallen and can\'t get up');
$monolog = new \Monolog\Logger('myApplication');
$monolog->pushHandler(new \bdk\Debug\Collector\MonologHandler($debug));
$monolog->critical('all your base are belong to them');
- log
- info
- warn
- error
- assert
- clear
- count
- countReset
- group
- groupCollapsed
- groupEnd
- profile
- profileEnd
- table
- time
- timeEnd
- timeLog
- trace
- … more