A web game that is fun
Html pages should just work opened in browser for dumb dev cycle.
To start service cd service && cargo run &
- should launch on
To start evauator - TBD
Vanilla ES6 no NPM or other package managers. Entrance in /index.html
window should work as really really small
Rust, no framework in memory only, minimize server side state to message replays for late joiners and storing the current session & rule. To that end all outbound messages should go to all clients
- Serve room page ourhost.com/roomId (by room ID shared out of band)
- shuffle websocket stuff around for exclusively for users, guesses, and score tracking (chat can happen out of band)
Rust lambda that actually evaluates guess/rule combinations. Since we'll be evaluating client code server side a lambda with really minimal permissions is gonna be the way to go.