Major mode for editing HL7v2 messages.
- Segment headers and separators highlighting.
- Press TAB (or SHIFT + TAB) to go to the next (previous) field, component or subcomponent.
- Eldoc integration: display segment header, field, component and subcomponent at point in echo area.
Drop hl7-mode.el
in ~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/
, add folowing line to
your init file and restart Emacs.
(autoload 'hl7-mode "~/.emacs.d/site-lisp/hl7-mode.el" "Major mode for editing HL7v2 messages." t nil)
Now you can enable mode with M-x hl7-mode RET after opening HL7 message.
You can use magic-mode
for enabling hl7-mode
automatically when
you open a file starting with MSH|^~\&
. Add following line to your
init file and restart Emacs.
(push '("^MSH|\\^~\\\\\\&" . hl7-mode) magic-mode-alist)