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Tags: blackjack26/blockgame-journal




This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Releast 0.3.9

- [feat] Can now track more than just one of the same item. Item counts can be set using left and right click within the tracking list
- [feat] Tooltips now give hints on how to add things to your journal (tutorial-like)
- [feat] Vendors with pagination now are stored and displayed correctly
- [fix] Fixed an issue that removed the wrong recipe when removing entries from within the vendor view
- [chore] Added config option to disable known recipe hints in tooltips
- [chore] Added new vendor names for elixirs and extracts
- [chore] Recipe ID is now being used to track recipes instead of just MMO_ITEM_ID. There is a new debug config to indicate which recipes are not using the recipe ID



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release v0.3.8

- [feat] Tooltips now indicate why a recipe is outdated
- [chore] Name change handling for Transmuter Nina and Hanzo the Hunter
- [fix] Better title wrapping for long vendor names
- [fix] Ignored interactions with the Auctioneer
- [fix] Auction House no longer shows highlights after interacting with an entity
- [fix] Better recipe ingredient word wrapping



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release v0.3.7

- [fix] Hot keys do not trigger when search field is focused
- [fix] Null journal error when opening backpack



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release 0.3.6

- [fix] David S. Pumpkins now can store recipes
- [fix] Lock toggle works in vendor view when sorting A to Z
- [fix] Items will be marked as outdated if a required recipe is added/removed or if a level req changes
- [chore] Added total recipes known count



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release 0.3.5

- [feat] Added ability to manually track items that may not be in your inventory
- [fix] Vendor interactions have been reworked to hopefully prevent players and mobs from appearing as vendors
- [fix] Right-click tracking now works correctly for NPC search and ingredient search
- [fix] Vertical scrolling on item list using mouse scroll no longer jumps quickly
- [fix] Added missing tracking highlighting in vendor and ingredient views
- [fix] Item count number alignment is now consistent
- [fix] Removed Airbrine



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release 0.3.4

- [feat] Hide/show unlocked only items
- [feat] Right click items to quick track
- [chore] Updated text colors on learned recipes screen
- [chore] Added hunting profession and updated parsing to handling future updates better



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release 0.3.3

- [feat] Tracking list compatibility with small screens
- [feat] Learned recipe list now on separate screen
- [feat] Added lock icon to vendor items to show recipes that are not known or require a higher level
- [feat] Pressing "x" when hovering over a recipe in the list will remove all recipes
- [feat] Added notification when new vendor is added
- [fix] Added missing item counts when viewing item by vendor slot
- [fix] Sunken and Myrk dealers fixed
- [fix] Corrupted gear now displays differently than normal gear
- [chore] Added helper tooltips for balance and profession levels
- [chore] Notification when vendor or item has been removed using hotkey
- [chore] Indicate when recipes are unavailable due to game changes
- [chore] Changed coin display to use stored NBT data for texture pack matching



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release 0.3.2

- [feat] Added support for the alchemy profession
- [fix] Empty air items should not show up in recipe list
- [fix] Empty air items can no longer be learned
- [fix] Attempted to fix non-vendors from appearing in vendor list
- [bug] Fixed issue storing profession levels due to tooltip styling update
- [bug] Fixed issue with tracking tooltip being cut off
- [chore] Added update checker
- [chore] Added titles for Runehilda and Axel Otto
- [chore] Improved efficiency of crafting station slot rendering



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release 0.3.1

- [feat] Known recipes list to see what recipes have been learned or not
- [feat] Recipe book tooltip indicates whether the recipe is learned
- [feat] Track backpack items for recipe decomposition
- [fix] Players should no longer show update vendors after being punched
- [chore] Empty state when no recipes are present
- [chore] Changed runecarving icon to a pottery sherd



This commit was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
blackjack26 Jack Grzechowiak
Release 0.3.0

- [feat] Trackable recipes
- [feat] New mode to search recipes by ingredient
- [feat] Filter craftable recipes by inventory items
- [feat] Added basic sorting options for item search views
- [fix] Non-player vendors now use dynamic logic (e.g. chicken, axolotl)
- [fix] Recipes now overwrite if they are in the same slot even if their revision ID has not been changed
- [fix] Fixed an issue that caused items to disappear
- [fix] Fixed inventory showing large item count after closing the journal
- [chore] Added salt and pepper as base ingredients
- [chore] Updated outdated recipe detection based on ingredients
- [chore] Enhanced the coloring of missing and outdated items
- [chore] Changed "NPC" term to "Vendor"