Get your balances of all your cryptocurrencies across multiple exchanges. Tested with coinbase, bittrex, binance, and gdax but will work with other exchanges supported by cctx
- Node v7.7+ (author tested with 7.7.4)
git clone
cd crypto-balance
npm install
cp config.example.js config.js
- For each exchange you use, add a new object to the exchange list with an
. Refer to for properties needed for constructor. All the exchanges the author used just requiredapiKey
as shown in the example config. Note: when creating api keys on each exchange the only permissions needed are read. Don't allow withdrawal or trade for security. - run
node app.js
- Optionally, copy and paste into a spreadsheet. Use Tools->Split Data Into Columns to split it into cells.
currency total bittrex binance gdax coinbase
BTC 0.7756500499999999 0.45875911 0.00994235 0 0.30694859
ETH 4.73886336 2.05 0 0 2.68886336
LTC 6.77446505 5.05 0 0 1.72446505
NEO 16 16 0 0 0
WTC 114.885 0 114.885 0 0
LEND 499.5 0 499.5 0 0
USD 1295.000107147025 0 0 295.000107147025 1000
I plan to eventually import the trade history from each of the exchanges to show things like net worth over time.
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