Based on Offical CentOS image from centos:centos7
This Dockerfile stands for a JavaScript Runtime and App Platform where you can develop decentralized applications (Dapps) bundled as single html file connected to an running ethereum node with JavaScript web3 API communicating internally via JSON RPC API.
- Build context: 333 MByte
- DockerHub:
- Image Size: 1.108 GByte
- openssh-server
- sudo
- passwd
- git
- curl
- nodejs (with solc, web3 and meteor-build-client)
- meteor
Pull from dockerhub:
docker pull blakeberg/meteor-nodejs
or copy the sources to your docker host.
docker build --force-rm -t blakeberg/meteor-nodejs .
You can choose to run this container with or without a link to an Ethereum client geth.
docker run -d -h meteor --name meteor -p 10022:22 -p 3000:3000 blakeberg/meteor-nodejs
Container blakeberg/ssh:geth-node exists and is running.
docker run -d -h meteor --name meteor -p 10022:22 -p 3000:3000 --link=geth:geth blakeberg/meteor-nodejs
You will need this link for developing decentralized applications with Ethereum.
If you are connected to this container you can connect to linked container geth
If you us boot2docker you shoud add to your /etc/hosts under Windows or Mac OS X the IP and host name of the boot2docker VM meteor
(IP to verify)
If you have an issue with cross origin requests you can allow all domains with parameter
--rpccorsdomain "*"
and if you can't connect to geth node you can allow all adresses with parameter--rpcaddr ""
. Both parameters can be set with geth command see container geth-node (link below)
Connect with ssh use the port that was just located:
ssh -p 10022 meteor@localhost
- initial passwd @see Dockerfile
- you can use sudo @ALL
- you can also connect via scp of course
From this container you can connect to linked container geth
curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"web3_clientVersion","params":[],"id":67}' http://geth:8545
If Ethereum node on geth is running you will get a JSON Response
Meteor is a full stack JavaScript App Platform used for creating Apps and Dapps (in case of Blockchain / Ethereum).
Create a new dummy-app within a running container.
- connect with ssh
- create app dummy:
meteor create --release 1.2.1 dummy-app
(first meteor is installing) - change dir:
cd dummy-app
- start app dummy:
nohup meteor &
- show app in browser:
For a more sophisticated example complete the todo app! (link below)
A Dapp contains one or more contracts and a graphical user interface (UI) to handle it. There are some packages for Meteor includig UI you can simply use for that purpose.
Create a new dummy-dapp within a running container. Approve that container blakeberg/ssh:geth-node exists, is linked and its Ethereum client is running.
- connect with ssh
- create app dummy:
meteor create --release 1.2.1 dummy-dapp
(first meteor is not installing if you done the dummy-app before) - change dir:
cd dummy-dapp
- install meteor packages for ethereum (every package show its dependencies and a description if available)
- Ethereum JS API:
meteor add ethereum:web3
- helper functions:
meteor add ethereum:tools
- basic ui elements:
meteor add ethereum:elements
- CSS/LESS framework for dapps:
meteor add ethereum:dapp-styles
needs alsometeor add less
- Ethereum Accounts:
meteor add ethereum:accounts
- Ethereum Blocks:
meteor add ethereum:blocks
- Ethereum JS API:
- add line
@import '{ethereum:dapp-styles}/dapp-styles.less';
- rename
mv dummy-dapp.css dummy-dapp.less
- start app dummy:
nohup meteor &
- everything you edit in js, html, css will changed directly in your browser
(you can only run one meteor instance on that port) - Try some stuff from ethereum packages (link below)
This example is included in this container and show at least on use case for each Meteor package for Ethereum. Approve that container blakeberg/ssh:geth-node exists, is linked and its Ethereum client is running.
- run step 1-8 of create own sample dapp
- copy files
cp ~/dummy-dapp.* .
- show again in your browser
(should updated immediately)
You see see the result "Hello World!" from sample contact "Greeter"
as example in container geth-node (link below)
With Meteor Build Client you can bundle the client part of a Meteor app with a simple index.html and javascript (and maybe css and images), so it can be hosted on any server or even loaded via the file:// protocol.
Note that the Build Client could not executed successful for Meteor 1.3 projects so that is the reason why there built with option
--release 1.2.1
There is no need for centralized server!
- connect with ssh
- change dir:
cd dummy-app
- bundle app:
meteor-build-client ../bundled-dummy-app -p ""
- change dir:
cd ../bundled-dummy-app
and see (there is only a html and js file) - change dir:
cd ~/dummy-dapp
- bundle dapp:
meteor-build-client ../bundled-dummy-dapp -p ""
- change dir:
cd ../bundled-dummy-dapp
and see (there is an additional css file and packages folder with images inside)
See bundled (d)apps examples:
You can download these files and run via the file:// protocol. The dapp need a running geth-node (link below)
NodeJS is a JavaScript Runtime Environment with Package Manager NPM which installed the Packages solc, web3 and also meteor-build-client described before. Approve that container blakeberg/ssh:geth-node exists, is linked and its Ethereum client is running.
You can also compile contracts with solc from NodeJS as a javascript console type node
Load solc module:
var solc = require('solc');
Compile contract greeter:
var greeter = solc.compile("contract mortal { address owner; function mortal() { owner = msg.sender; } function kill() { if (msg.sender == owner) suicide(owner); } } contract greeter is mortal { string greeting; function greeter(string _greeting) public { greeting = _greeting; } function greet() constant returns (string) { return greeting; } }");
You can also execute JavaScript with web3.js from NodeJS as a javascript console type node
Load web3 module and connect to Ethereum client:
var Web3 = require('web3');
var web3 = new Web3();
web3.setProvider(new web3.providers.HttpProvider('http://geth:8545'));
Get account information:
var coinbase = web3.eth.coinbase;
Call contract greeter (as in dapp example above):
var abi = [{"constant":false,"inputs":[],"name":"kill","outputs":[],"type":"function"},{"constant":true,"inputs":[],"name":"greet","outputs":[{"name":"","type":"string"}],"type":"function"},{"inputs":[{"name":"_greeting","type":"string"}],"type":"constructor"}];
var greeter = web3.eth.contract(abi).at("0x0608616212f0356c3d4c7c7b1c317151646164e1");
- Meteor Example App Handson
- Install Meteor
- Meteor API
- Meteor Build Client
- Ethereum Dapp using Meteor
- Ethereum Meteor Packages
- Ethereum JavaScript web3 API and
- Ethereum JSON RPC API
- Ethereum Container
- NPM-Package solc
- NPM-Package web3