Releases: blarosen95/JuiceTime
First Alpha Release
This is the project's first public, albeit alpha, release. The basic necessities are all here. However, some small details such as the calculated total values are not yet implemented. Currently supports: opening and saving recipes (with notes), calculating recipes, and setting grams (grams are set for all recipes, unlike in eJuice Me Up. I might add a feature that allows the user to choose an alternate grams setting for individual recipes which would be disabled by default).
Requires Windows 10, running on at least the fall creators update (1803 iirc). Run the powershell script, follow the prompts (you will need to select "Y" to trust the certificate as powershell defaults to "N"), and then launch the application by searching for it from the Start menu. As this release is the sideloaded package, it may require that you enable developer permissions; see: