rlstined is an Streamlit-based interactive narrative game that engages users in a choose-your-own-adventure style experience. The game dynamically presents story nodes and user choices that influence the direction of the narrative.Check out this link to try the game. Follow the on-screen prompts and make choices by clicking the buttons to navigate through the story.
- Dynamic story progression based on user choices.
- Multiple endings based on decisions made throughout the game.
- Rich storytelling combined with images to enhance the immersive experience.
- app.py: The main Python script that launches the Streamlit app and handles the game logic.
- images/: Directory containing images displayed throughout the game.
- Additional modules and assets as needed for project expansion.
Feel free to contribute to The Bhangarh House project! You can also reach out to me at blessinvarkey[at]gmail[dot]com for any queries.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.