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blindsend server

End-to-end encrypted file sharing

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Server app for blindsend, an open source tool for private, end-to-end encrypted file exchange. It provides the REST API for managing file exchange workflow.



blindsend server is built using Scala 3 and various typelevel libraries:

Other libraries include:


Link information is stored in the PostgreSQL database. The server connects to it using the doobie library and HikariCP.

Database consist of a single table defined as:

CREATE TABLE public.links (
    id varchar NOT NULL,
    workflow varchar NOT NULL,
    stage int2 NOT NULL,
    salt varchar NULL,
    passwordless bool NULL,
    enc_metadata varchar NULL,
    seed_hash varchar NULL,
    "date" timestamp NOT NULL,
    finished bool NOT NULL,
    num_files int2 NULL,
    sender_pk varchar NULL,
    file_ids _varchar NULL,
    wrapped_requester_sk varchar NULL,
    requester_pk varchar NULL,
    life_expectancy int4 NULL DEFAULT 7,
    CONSTRAINT links_pkey PRIMARY KEY (id)

File storage

blindsend stores the encrypted files in the Cloud Storage on the Google Cloud platform.

Files are uploaded from the blindsend web client directly to a Google Storage bucket. For that purpose, the server creates the signed links for provided file ids and sends them to the web client. Links are generated for both uploading and downloading files.


To access a GCP bucket from the web client, we need to configure the CORS on the bucket.


    "origin": [ "*" ],
    "method": [ "GET", "POST", "PUT" ],
    "responseHeader": [ "content-type", "content-length", "x-goog-resumable", "x-upload-content-length", "x-goog-content-length-range", "x-goog-custom-time" ],
    "maxAgeSeconds": 3600

CORS setting can be set by the gsutil tool:

gsutil cors set cors.json gs://bucket-name


The bucket can be configured to delete files after a certain condition is met.
We set the Delete action when the file's custom time is reached. Custom time is set by a header x-goog-custom-time sent when uploading a file.
Currently, custom time is current time + 168 hours (7 days).


  "lifecycle": {
    "rule": [
        "action": { "type": "Delete" },
        "condition": { "daysSinceCustomTime": 0 }

Lifecycle setting can be set by the gsutil tool:

gsutil lifecycle set lifecycle.json gs://bucket-name


To successfully connect to the database and generate valid signed links for Google Storage, a configuration file must be created.

The following is the example configuration:

storage = {                  # Google Storage configuration
  project = "blindsend",     # GCP project where bucket is set
  bucket = "blindsend-files" # Google Storage bucket for uploading files.
db = {                       # PostgreSQL database configuration
  host = "",        # host IP
  port = 5432,               # port, default value is 5432
  user = "postgres",         # database user, default value is postgres
  database = "postgres",     # name of the database containing links table, default value is postgres
  password = "secret"        # database password


To build an executable file:

  1. Install sbt and run:
    sbt assembly
    This command will create a blindsend.jar executable file in target/scala-3.1.0 folder.
  2. Create a configuration file application.json.
  3. Create a GCP service account (with permission for Cloud Storage) and download the keys.
  4. Set GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable to point to the keys file.
    export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS="/account.json"

To run the server, make sure the application.json configuration file is in the secrets directory (secrets and blindsend.jar are in the same directory) and run:

java -jar ./blindsend.jar

This command will start the server on

Current status

blindsend is under development by a team of software engineers at and several independent cryptography experts.


All community participation is subject to blindnet’s Code of Conduct.

Stay up to date with new releases and projects, learn more about how to protect your privacy and that of our users, and share projects and feedback with our team.


The blindsend-server is available under MIT (and here is why).