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Releases: blinkcard/blinkcard-react-native


05 Dec 13:25
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  • Added missing camera presets for both Android and iOS camera settings.
  • iOS-specific
    • Switched the modal presentation style to full screen.


24 Oct 13:59
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  • Significant improvements in photocopy detection.
    • Both the False Rejection Rate and False Acceptance Rate are reduced by ~50% as measured on the default match level.

Bug fixes

  • Android specific:
    • Removed from the SDK
    • Fix for duplicate attrs resource: attr/mb_onboardingImageColor when combining multiple Microblink's SDKs in the same app


14 May 11:30
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  • Updated the plugin to Android SDK v2.9.3 and iOS SDK v2.9.1
  • This version of the SDK contains the native iOS BlinkCard.xcframework with the privacy manifest file (PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy).

Major API update

  • We have introduced the DirectAPI method of scanning, which allows the SDK to extract the card information from static images without the need to use the device’s camera and our UI.
  • Usage:
    • The scanWithDirectApi method requires four parameters:
    • recognizerCollection, which is a collection of Recognizers used for card scanning.
    • frontImage, which would represent the image of the card where the card number in located in the Base64 format string
    • backImage, which would represent the image of the second side of the card in the Base64 format string
      • the backImage parameter is optional when scanning the card that contains all of the information on one side (or if you extract specific information located only on one side), and can be passed as null or an empty string (””).
    • license, the licenses for iOS and Android required to unlock the SDK
  • An example of its usage can be found in the sample application , both for the two-sided and one-sided card scanning.
  • More information about the DirectAPI scanning can be found here in the native documentation for Android and iOS
  • We still recommend using direct camera scanning, as static images can sometimes be in lower-quality which can cause SDK extraction errors. It would be best to use the scanWithDirectApi method when using the device’s camera is not an option.


01 Mar 10:38
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  • Updated the plugin to Android SDK v2.9.0 and iOS SDK v2.9.0
  • Improved scanning performance and added support for virtually any card layout
  • Added new result documentLivenessCheck that contains liveness information for the first and second sides of the scanned card.
    • handPresenceCheck , photocopyCheck and screenCheck liveness information can be obtained.
  • Added BlinkCardMatchLevel for configuring the strictness of the check result for the document liveness properties
  • Added BlinkCardCheckResult for enumerating document liveness check results
  • Added allowInvalidCardNumber setting that allows reading invalid card numbers to avoid endless scanning on testing cards.
    • Added cardNumberValid flag within the BlinkCardRecognizer result to check if the card number is valid.
  • Added additional properties to BlinkCardOverlaySettings that can be modified.
  • Fixed issue with the SDK localization.

Breaking API changes:

  • Removed LegacyBlinkCardRecognizer and LegacyBlinkCardEliteRecognizer legacy recognizers.


13 Jul 11:48
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08 Sep 11:32
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Changes to allow combining BlinkCard with other SDKs.


25 Aug 13:13
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14 May 11:17
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Initial plugin release with Android SDK v2.3.0 and iOS SDK v2.3.0