This is a Dart-JS interop facade for the THREE.js 3D library (version r92).
Generated with js-facade-gen, which takes TypeScript .d.ts definitions as input. THREE definition taken from DefinitelyTyped.
The threejs Dart Facade requires a Dart 2.0.0-dev SDK
Add a dependency in your pubspec.yaml
# dependencies:
# threejs_facade:
# git:
The THREE Dart-JS interop Demo.
Or, clone this project and run the example scene yourself:
$> pub global activate webdev
$> webdev serve example
Before trying this yourself, please note that generated results for three contain errors that require quite some time to go through and fix. The typescript/ directory has the original converted files (with errors).
Install dart_js_facade_gen.
Download to lib/src/babylon/
$> dart_js_facade_gen --destination=lib/src/three --basePath=lib/src/three/ three_core.d.ts $> dart_js_facade_gen --destination=lib/src/three --basePath=lib/src/three/ three_example.d.ts $> # and so on ...