An ActiveAdmin 2.x plugin to use jQuery-File-Upload for file uploads in forms.
- AJAX uploads;
- chunked file uploads for large files;
- works with ActiveStorage.
The file is uploaded when selected, not when the form is submitted, that's why a record must exist for uploads.
- Update your Gemfile:
gem 'activeadmin_jfu_upload'
(and execute bundle) - Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin styles (app/assets/stylesheets/active_admin.scss):
@import 'activeadmin/jfu_upload_input';
- Add at the end of your ActiveAdmin javascripts (app/assets/javascripts/active_admin.js):
//= require activeadmin/jfu_upload/jquery.fileupload
//= require activeadmin/jfu_upload_input
- Use the input with
as: :jfu_upload
in Active Admin model conf
Why 2 separated scripts? In this way you can include a different version of jQuery-File-Upload if you like.
data-options: permits to set jQuery-File-Upload options directly - see options list
# ActiveAdmin article form conf:
# (optional) Upload action - an helper method is provided
member_action :jfu_upload, method: [:patch] do
render json: ActiveAdmin::JfuUpload::Engine::upload_file( request, params[:article][:cover], resource, :cover )
# Form setup
form do |f|
f.inputs 'Article' do
f.input :title
# Field setup - hint with file presence check using ActiveStorage
f.input :cover, as: :jfu_upload, hint: (object.avatar.attached? ? "Current: #{object.avatar.filename}" : nil) unless object.new_record?
f.input :published
# Show setup (optional)
show do
attributes_table do
# ...
row :cover do |record|
image_tag url_for(record.cover) if record.cover.attached?
# Chuncked upload (chunk size: 100 Kb) - checking presence with CarrierWave
f.input :cover, as: :jfu_upload, hint: f.object.cover? ? image_tag( f.object.cover.url ) : '', input_html: { data: { url: jfu_upload_admin_article_path( ), options: { maxChunkSize: 100000 } } } unless f.object.new_record?
More example in spec dummy app.
- The string field for the upload is used to store temp data, so it could be necessary to make it bigger
- If you want to customize the upload action take a look here
- Tested with CarrierWave uploader gem and with ActiveStorage
- To use this plugins with ActiveAdmin 1.x please use the version 0.1.8
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- Mattia Roccoberton - creator, maintainer