Vault secrets plugins to simplying creation, management, and revocation of Grafana Cloud API tokens.
Download and enable plugin locally (TODO)
Configure the plugin
vault write grafana-cloud/config/token token=$GRAFANA_CLOUD_TOKEN
Add one or more policies
# NOTE: this policy will not work and is just an example
vault write /grafana-cloud/access_policies/<role-name> policy=-<<EOF
"displayName": "Stack Readers",
"scopes": ["metrics:read", "logs:read", "traces:read", "alerts:read"],
"realms": [
"type": "org",
"identifier": "<org id>"
you can then read from the role using
vault read /grafana-cloud/creds/<role-name>
To generate a new token:
Create a new grafana-cloud policy and perform a 'read' operation on the creds/<role-name>
# To read data using the api
$ vault read grafana-cloud/role/single-use
Key Value
--- -----
lease_id grafana-cloud/creds/test/yfF2qCtSvKSakATS89va1Var
lease_duration 768h
lease_renewable false
capabilities map[devices:map[create:map[]]]
expires 2022-03-27T03:13:45Z
id koD1dv6CNTRL
token <token>
The provided Earthfile (think makefile, but using docker) is used to build, test, and publish the plugin. See the build targets for more information. Common targets include
# build a local version of the plugin
$ earthly +build
# start vault and enable the plugin locally
# update the GRAFANA_CLOUD_* variables in ./scripts/
earthly +dev