Bloomreach Content Flutter SDK - Features a Page Delivery API Client & an SDK to render data from the API to the view.
This Dart package is automatically generated by the OpenAPI Generator project:
- API version: 1.0
- Build package: org.openapitools.codegen.languages.DartClientCodegen
Dart 2.0 or later
Please follow the installation procedure and then run the following:
import 'package:brcontent/api.dart';
final instance =
PageApi(ApiClient(basePath: ''));
final path = path_example; // String |
final channelId = channelId_example; // String |
try {
final Page page = await instance.getPage(channelId, path);
Container container = page.getComponentByPath('container') ;
var components = container.getComponents(page);
components.forEach((containerItem) {
if (containerItem.hasContent()) {
} catch (Exception e) {
print('Exception when calling PageApi->getPage: $e\n');
for more examples on the API client:
import 'package:brcontent/api.dart' as br;
void main() {
runApp(DemoApplication("", 'mobile-native-demo', getComponentMapping()));
class DemoApplication extends br.Application {
DemoApplication(String baseUrl, String channelId,Map<String, Function(br.Page page, br.ContainerItem item, [void Function(String newPath)? setPage])> componentMapping)
: super(baseUrl, channelId, componentMapping);
br.ApplicationState<br.Application> createState() {
return DemoApplicationState();
class DemoApplicationState extends br.ApplicationState {
Widget buildPage(BuildContext context, br.Page page) {
br.Component menuComponent = page.getComponentByPath('menu'); //get the menu
br.Menu menu = menuComponent.getMenu(page) as br.Menu;
br.Container container = page.getComponentByPath('container'); //get a container component by path
return MaterialApp(
title: page.getDocument()?.getData('title'),
home: Scaffold(
drawer: ..,
appBar: ..),
body: br.ContainerItemComponentsListView(componentMapping, container, page, setPage), //this will render eacht container item component in a listview
//mapping components to widgets by the container item's ctype
getComponentMapping() {
Map<String, dynamic Function(br.Page page, br.ContainerItem item, [void Function(String newPath)? setPage])>
components = HashMap();
() => (br.Page page, br.ContainerItem item, [void Function(String newPath)? setPage]) =>
CarouselWidget(item: item, page: page));
() => (br.Page page, br.ContainerItem item, [void Function(String newPath)? setPage]) =>
BannerCollection(item: item, page: page));
() => (br.Page page, br.ContainerItem item, [void Function(String newPath)? setPage]) =>
TitleAndTextWidget(item: item, page: page));
() => (br.Page page, br.ContainerItem item, [void Function(String newPath)? setPage]) =>
ListWidget(item: item, page: page, setPage: setPage));
return components;
All URIs are relative to https://{account}
Class | Method | HTTP request | Description |
PageApi | getPage | GET /delivery/site/v1/channels/{channel_id}/pages/{path} | Get Page by path |
- AbstractComponent
- Channel
- ChannelInfo
- Component
- ComponentContent
- ComponentMeta
- Container
- ContainerItem
- Data
- Document
- Element
- Image
- ImageData
- Imageset
- Link
- Menu
- MenuItem
- Page
- PageMeta
- Pagination
- PaginationPage
- Pointer
All endpoints do not require authorization.
This is an open source community driven project that is not support and maintained by Bloomreach engineering.