ITKv5 incorporated many features originating from this module. The ImageSink and StreamingProcess object are now in upstream ITK. The streaming feature for the StatisticsImageFilter, the LabelStatisticsImageFilter and other filters has been incorporated into ITKv5.
This repository contains an ITK: The Insight Toolkit for Segmentation and Registration module with advanced classes for image streaming and MPI distributed image processing through streaming. It is designed to work with the ITKv4 modular system by being placed in the ITK source code.
This module has a BoundingBoxImageSic filter and a MPIStreamingImageFilter.
This module should be cloned into a checkout of the ITK reposiory as a subdirectory in the "Modules/External".
The following is a brief list of instructions to get a external module into ITK:
cd ITK/Modules/External/ git clone
Then configure ITK, set:
in ITK's CMake build configuration. This external module will need to be manually updated from the respository.
Bradley Lowekamp