Custom component for Home Assistant to fetch energy prices of all European countries from the ENTSO-e Transparency Platform ( Day ahead energy prices are added as a sensor and can be used in automations to switch equipment. 24 Hour forecast of the energy prices is in the sensors attributes.
You need an ENTSO-e Restful API key for this integration. To request this API key, register on the Transparency Platform and send an email to with “Restful API access” in the subject line.
The integration adds the following sensors:
- Average Day-Ahead Electricity Price Today
- Highest Day-Ahead Electricity Price Today
- Lowest Day-Ahead Electricity Price Today
- Current Day-Ahead Electricity Price
- Current Percentage Of Highest Electricity Price Today
- Next Hour Day-Ahead Electricity Price
- Time Of Highest Energy Price Today
- Time Of Lowest Energy Price Today
Download this repository and place the contents of custom_components
in your own custom_components
map of your Home Assistant installation. Restart Home Assistant and add the integration through your settings. Add your API-key and country and the sensors will automatically be added to your system.
Add to your HACS custom repositories and install through HACS. Restart Home Assistant and add the integration through your settings. Add your API-key and country and the sensors will automatically be added to your system.
The integration is in an early state and receives a lot of updates. If you already setup this integration and encounter an error after updating, please try redoing the above installation steps.