Make Java app testing on Cardano blockchain a breeze with Yaci Cardano Test Java library.
Yaci Cardano Test is a Java library that provides a simple way to test your Java Cardano application. It uses testcontainers to start a dev Cardano node in a docker container programmatically. It also provides a simple way to interact with the container in your test code through a Test Helper class and use Cardano specific assertions to verify the results.
You also need to add following cardano-client-lib dependencies and also junit 5.
testImplementation "com.bloxbean.cardano:yaci-cardano-test:0.1.0"
Other dependencies
implementation "com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-lib:0.6.2"
implementation "com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-backend:0.6.2"
implementation "com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-backend-ogmios:0.6.2"
implementation "com.bloxbean.cardano:cardano-client-backend-blockfrost:0.6.2"
testImplementation 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-api:5.9.2'
testRuntimeOnly 'org.junit.jupiter:junit-jupiter-engine:5.9.2'
The following code snippet demonstrates how to launch a Cardano node in a Docker container and fund an account with 20,000 ADA. By default, the Yaci Store API is enabled, which can be used to query and submit transactions to the running node. The Yaci Store API is compatible with the Blockfrost API.
YaciCardanoContainer yaciCardanoContainer = new YaciCardanoContainer()
.withInitialFunding(new Funding(account.baseAddress(), 20000))
.withLogConsumer(outputFrame -> System.out.println(outputFrame.getUtf8String()));
YaciCardanoContainer yaciCardanoContainer = new YaciCardanoContainer()
.withInitialFunding(new Funding(account.baseAddress(), 20000))
.withLogConsumer(outputFrame -> System.out.println(outputFrame.getUtf8String()));
Get Cardano Client Lib Suppliers required to build and submit transactions
var backendService = yaciCardanoContainer.getBackendService();
var utxoSupplier = yaciCardanoContainer.getUtxoSupplier();
var protocolParamsSupplier = yaciCardanoContainer.getProtocolParamsSupplier();
var transactionProcessor = yaciCardanoContainer.getTransactionProcessor();
Using the above suppliers, you can build and submit transactions using one of the transaction builders in the Cardano Client Library.
Yaci Cardano Test provides a set of Cardano specific assertions to verify the results of your tests. For example, you can verify the ada or asset balance of an address, verify utxo size, etc.
Assertions.assertMe(cardanoContainer).hasLovelaceBalance(receiverAddress, adaToLovelace(2.1));
Assertions.assertMe(cardanoContainer).hasAssetBalance(receiverAddress, policy.getPolicyId(), "abc", BigInteger.valueOf(300));
Check this sample project
For more tests check the test pacakage in this project.
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