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Luke Bonham edited this page Jan 2, 2014 · 9 revisions

<- widgets

Attaches a calendar notification to a widget.

lain.widgets.calendar:attach(widget, args)
  • Left click: switch to previous month.
  • Right click: switch to next month.

args is an optional table which can contain:

Variable Meaning Type Default
icons Path to calendar icons string lain/icons/cal/white
font_size Calendar font size int 12
fg Calendar foreground color string beautiful.fg_normal
bg Calendar background color string beautiful.bg_normal
position Calendar position string "top_right"

position possible values are defined here.

Notification will show an icon displaying current day, and formatted output from cal with current day highlighted.

You can call the notification with a key binding like this:

awful.key({ altkey }, "c", function () lain.widgets.calendar:show(7) end),

where altkey = "Mod1" and show argument is an optional integer, meaning timeout seconds.

Note that this widget exploits cal to do the alignment, in order to avoid more dozens of code lines, but this requires that your system font is monospaced.

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