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BlueNimble Apps SDK lets you create android NATIVE applications almost without writing a single line of code. You can create complex pages, styling components, adding effects and integrate with your backend using simple json configuration files.

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BlueNimble Apps SDK for Android

BlueNimble Apps SDK lets you create android NATIVE applications almost without writing a single line of code. You can create complex pages, styling components, adding effects and integrate with your backend using simple json configuration files.

With almost no android experience, you can create advanced applications without the hassle of understanding how layouts, visual components, async tasks or backend integration works in android.

BlueNimble Apps SDK sdk provides android developers with simple java interfaces which they can extend to create new themes, component types, effects, data binding, backend integration and more.

We would love to have an iOS developer join the initiative to create the iOS version of BlueNimble Apps Specification. 
If you are interested, please drop us a note at!

Getting Started

Use in a brand new application

If you're creating a new application, just clone bluenimble-apps-android-bootstrap. It's a pre-configured android project that you can run immediately. (Rename the app package id and name of the project)

Use in an existing application

If you're going to extend your existing application by adding new activities based on bluenimble sdk, add bluenimble-apps-sdk-android to your gradle build script.

Step1: Add BlueNimble Apps SDK dependency on the gradle script:

compile 'com.github.bluenimble:bluenimble-apps-android-sdk:master-SNAPSHOT'

Step2: Register one of the BlueNimble Application classes and the the UIActivity on your AndroidManifest.xml file:



		android:configChanges="orientation|screenSize|keyboardHidden" />


What's a BlueNimble Application?

A BlueNimble application is a folder under android assets which have the structure below:

  • myApp
    • app.json (basic declaration of the app, name, default theme, default language, entry page)
    • static.json (optional. Put application texts by user spoken language such as form fields labels - i18n)
    • backend.json (optional. Define your REST or local services)
    • themes (optional)
      • aTheme
      • anotherTheme
    • pages
      • aPage.json
      • anotherPage.json
      • ...

You can also zip the myApp folder and tell the sdk to load the app from the archive.

Create a Page:

A page is basically a Json file representing a screen in your android app. Usually an application will have multiple pages through which users can navigate. You can organize your application pages in folders under the directory pages if you want (by module names for e.g), or let them on the root of the pages folder.


  • pages
    • home.json
    • help.json
    • authentication
      • login.json
      • signup.json
    • todo
      • addTask.json
      • listTasks.json

The components of a page are: Layers and Events.


A layer is a section of a page, hosting visual components (buttons, labels etc..). It's main purpose is to organize your UI blocks (section of the page, popup dialog etc..).

A layer could have 3 states:

  • Rendered: by default. (visible)
  • Rendered and Hidden: by adding the hidden keyword after the layout name. (invisible)
  • Not Rendered: by adding the ! character before the layout name. Useful in lists/grids. (not created therefore invisible)

e.g: myPage.json:

	"layers": {
		"header": [
			// components (buttons, images, labels etc...)
		"main": [
			// components (buttons, images, labels etc...)
		"hiddenBlock hidden": [
			// components (buttons, images, labels etc...)
		"! notRenderedBlock": [
			// components (buttons, images, labels etc...)
	"events": {
		// events go here

As stated before, a layer is a group of: Components.


This is how to declare a component:

"component:ID bindingSET bindingGET property1=value1 property2=value2... styleAttr1 styleAttr2... /"

  • component: the type of the component, e.g: text for a label, button for a Button...
  • ID: [optional] useful when linking an event to the component or when binding data dynamically to/from it. (see events and binding sections)
  • bindingSet: the value to be bound to this component, or the ? if none. (see binding section)
  • bindingGet: the value that this component will output, or the ? if none. (see binding section)
  • properties: [optional] predefined or custom properties of this component e.g: placeholder for the input component
  • styleAttributes: [optional] keys identifying a specific style on the application theme. e.g: center or rounded
  • / : [optional] Break the line. (next element will be positioned below this one)

e.g: myPage.json:

	"layers": {
		"header": [
			"text  				static.icons.back 		?   icon",
			"image  			static.images.logo  	? 	logo"
		"main": [
			"input:email 		? 						? type=email center /",
			"dropdown:gender    static.identity.gender  ?   center /",
			"button:submit   	static.submit   		?   center"
		"hiddenBlock hidden": [
		"! notRenderedBlock": [
	"events": {
		// events go here

By default, the following is an exhaustive list of the current Out-Of-The-Box supported components:

bluenimble-apps supports the most used and standard visual components

Id Description Spec Declaration
text Labels, titles and non editable description zones "text static.title ?"
input Editable input area "input:fullName ? ?"
checkbox Checkbox component (multi-choice) "checkbox:terms static.terms ?"
radiogroup RadioGroup component (single-choice) "radiogroup:gender static.gender ?"
button Button "button:create static.create ?"
image An image "image static.images.logo ?"
video A basic video player "video:movie ?"
dropdown A single choice selectable list of values "dropdown:gender static.gender ?"
list A selectable list of values displayed as a list or grid "list:tasks static.tasks ? template=taskTpl layout=grid cols=3"
/ Line break (declared standalone on a line or appended to a component declaration) "/" or "text static.title ? /"
map Map component (based on google maps)  "map:world ? ?"
tabs Swiping tabs "tabs static.articles.titles ? template=tabTpl1+tabTpl2+tabTpl3"
chart.line Line Chart "chart.line static.charts.line ?" Bar Chart (horizontal and vertical) " ?"
chart.pie Pie Chart "chart.pie static.charts.pie ?"
chart.bubble Bubble Chart "chart.bubble static.charts.bubble ?"
chart.radar Radar Chart "chart.radar static.charts.radar ?"
chart.scatter Scatter Chart "chart.scatter static.charts.scatter ?"

Refer to the Examples and to the wikis for how you can easily create your own components.

Data Binding:

The underlying mechanism where data is temporarily stored is the DataHolder. The DataHolder is an Object containing data for each of the following namespaces:

  • View: Data coming from the UI components.
  • Streams: Upload / Download files.
  • Error: Error happened.
  • Device: Information about the device such as Geolocation.
  • Static: Data coming from the i18n file static.json.
  • Service names: Data coming from service calls. (see Services section)

There are 2 types of Bindings.

Binding GET:

The Binding GET is the data retrieval process from a UI Component.

e.g: Getting data from an input text field. "input:fullName   ?   ?": the value of this field will be accessible (on your event for ex before an HTTP Call) from the dataHolder with [view.fullName]

To see the data of the DataHolder concerning all the views, simply use: [view.*].

We'll get into more details on the Events & Effects section

Binding SET:

The Binding SET is the data putting process from a Data source into a UI Component.

e.g: Putting data into an input text field. "input:fullName   static.fullName   ?": this field will be populated by the value identified by the key fullName on the static.json file. (static.json being the data source in this example)

Events & Effects:

Events can be user actions, such as clicking on a button, dragging a map or clicking on a layer or could be system occurrences, such as opening a new page. Events have 4 callbacks from where effects will be called:

  • onStart: Right before executing the action.
  • onSuccess: The action associated with this event has been successful.
  • onError: The action associated with this event has failed / throwed an exception.
  • onFinish: Executed anyway, after onSuccess/onError.

Additionally, an event could run on a specific Scope (layer), in order to restrict the data passed on the DataHolder to only be pulled from UI Components on that specific Scope.

Effects are operations affecting the UI, such as showing/hiding/removing a layer, styling, animating, navigating from a page to another one etc..

e.g: myPage.json:

	"layers": {
		"header": [
			"text  				static.icons.back 		?   icon",
			"image  			static.images.logo  	? 	logo"
		"main": [
			"input:email 		? 						? type=email center /",
			"dropdown:gender    static.identity.gender  ?   center /",
			"button:submit   	static.submit   		?   center"
		"hiddenBlock hidden": [
			"text 				?"
		"! notRenderedBlock": [
	"events": {
		"create": { // fired upon page creation
			"onStart": {
				"echo": "Page Creation." // Echo Effect
		"": {
			"scope": "main",
			"onStart": {
				"echo": "Selected: [view.*]", // Echo effect will display the content of the DataHolder of the main layer
				"hide": "main",  // the "main" layer will be hidden using the effect "hide".
				"show": "hiddenBlock" // the "hiddenBlock" layer previously hidden will be visible using the effect "show".

Here is an exhaustive list of the current Out-of-the-box Events:

Target Events
  • press
  • longPress
  • afterTextChanged
  • beforeTextChanged
  • onTextChanged
  • select
  • select
  • press
  • longPress
  • press
  • longPress
  • select
  • press
  • longPress
  • Swipe (coming soon)
  • Scroll (coming soon)
  • move
  • press
  • longPress
  • markerDrag
  • markerStartDrag
  • markerEndDrag
  • markerPress
  • press
  • longPress
  • back
  • start

Here is an exhaustive list of the current Out-of-the-box Effects:

Effects Purpose
hide Hide a layer or a UI component.
show Show a layer or a UI component.
render Render a layer.
relocate Send a layer back and bring another one front.
style Styling layers / components.
destroy Destroy layers / components.
bind Bind data to a layer / component.
unbind Unbind data to a layer / component.
goto Goto another page.
open Open an existing Android activity.
animate Animate a layer / component.
select Select a record of a list.
clear Clear a selected list record.
update Update a record of a list.
delete Delete a record from a list.
play Play a video.
resume Resume a video playing.
pause Pause a video.
seek Jump to a video location (a second).
echo Show a small Toast message.

Refer to the <a href="">the wikis for how you can easily create your own services (Realm, Worklight, SOAP etc...).*


Services represent communication with REST WebServices and phone Storage. 3 services are currently included out-of-the-box:

  • SharedPreference Operations (key-value android storage) : GET, POST, DELETE.
  • Local Storage (Private and Public) : GET, POST, DELETE.

Services are declared on the backend.json file. The data serving as a payload to the service could be declared on the service declaration or on the event firing the call.


	"login": {
		"type": "remote",
		"url": "http://your-api/bnb-sdk-backend/api/login",
		"verb": "post",
		"headers": {
			"Content-Type": "application/json",
			"Accept": "application/json"
		"data": {
			"username": "USERNAME",
			"password": "Python"

And, to call this service from your pages: myPage.json:

	"layers": {
		"header": [
			"text  				static.icons.back 		?   icon",
			"image  			static.images.logo  	? 	logo"
		"main": [
			"input:email 		? 						? type=email center /",
			"dropdown:gender    static.identity.gender  ?   center /",
			"button:submit   	static.submit   		?   center", 
			"button:backend 	static.backend 			? 	right"
		"hiddenBlock hidden": [
			"text 				?"
		"! notRenderedBlock": [
	"events": {
		"create": { 
			"onStart": {
				"echo": "Page Creation." 
		"": {
			"scope": "main",
			"onStart": {
				"echo": "Selected: [view.*]", 
				"hide": "main", 
				"show": "hiddenBlock"
		"": {
			"call": { // Action to call the login service
				"services": "login"
			"onSuccess": {
				"echo": "Success : UUID = [login.uuid]"
			"onError": {
				"echo": "Error : [error.*]"
			"onFinish": {
				"echo": "Finish : Response = [login.*]"

Refer to the Examples and to the wikis for how you can easily create your own services (Realm, Worklight, SOAP etc...).*

I18n Text resources - static.json:

This is where you put your text resources that will be displayed on your application. There are multiple ways of organizing your strings depending on the component you are displaying it with.

	"title": {
		"en": "BlueNimble Apps SDK Browser", 
		"fr": "BlueNimble Apps SDK Navigateur"
	"terms": {
		"en": "Terms and conditions"
	"gender": {
		"en": [
	"company": {
		"name": {
			"en": "BlueNimble"
		"positions": {
			"en": [
					"id": "pos0", 
					"value": "Developer"
					"id": "pos1", 
					"value": "Architect"
					"id": "pos2", 
					"value": "Sys Admin"

And to display these strings on your components, you just need to append the static keyword to the key. e.g :

text static.title ? will display a label component with BlueNimble Apps SDK Browser as value.

In other words, it will perform a Binding SET on the text component with as data source static and as value static.title.

Refer to the Examples


You can define multiple themes for your application, one being the generic one and others for specific components and styles.

Developers themes should be placed under the themes directory of the app.

By default, Bluenimble SDK comes with a built-in default theme with basic styleAttributes such as visible, hidden, center, rounded....

You can refer to your components from your theme, either:

  • By ID : gives a specific style for this specific component ID, such as logo 
  • By Component type : gives a generic style to all the components with the same type, such as text, which can be extended and overriden by other styleAttributes or by specifying an ID and refering it from the theme file.

You can refer to your theme from your components:

  • By Adding the style key on the end of the component declaration, such as text:title ? ? center

The theme structure is pretty self-explanatory.

e.g: theme1.json

	"*": {
		"text": {
			"padding": "20 20 20 20",
			"text": {
				"align": "center middle",
				"color": "#FFFFFF",
				"shadow": "#7F000000 1 1 2"
			"background": {
				"color": "#09afdf"
		"secondary": {
			"padding": "20 20 20 20",
			"text": {
				"align": "center middle",
				"color": "#FFFFFF",
				"shadow": "#7F000000 1 1 2"
			"background": {
				"color": "#8bc43f"
		"logo": {
			"align": "middle",
			"margin": "? ? ? 20",
			"size": {
				"width": "500"
		"title": {
			"align": "right middle",
			"margin": "? 10 ? 10",
			"text": {
				"size": "14"
		"icon": {
			"size": {
				"width": "200",
				"height": "200"
			"text": {
				"font": "fontawesome",
				"color": "#FFFFFF",
				"size": "24",
				"shadow": "#7F000000 1 1 2",
				"align": "center middle"
			"background": {
				"color": "#FFFFFF #09afdf",
				"gradient": {
					"radius": "300"
				"opacity": ".4"
			"shadow": {
				"color": "#0293BD",
				"tick": "3"
			"align": "center"

Refer to the Examples

Check the Wiki page for more examples and how to customize or create your own components, services, effects.


Thank you to the developers of the following libs, that BlueNimble Apps SDK uses underline:


Copyright 2016 BlueNimble, Inc.

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.


BlueNimble Apps SDK lets you create android NATIVE applications almost without writing a single line of code. You can create complex pages, styling components, adding effects and integrate with your backend using simple json configuration files.






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