Informal fork of in order to track client version, currently 360229
copy the blue_patcher.exe into your EVE client directory where you will find blue.dll, which should be the /bin directory
run blue_patcher.exe, you should get success
edit common.ini in your client directory, replace the line with "cryptoPack=CryptoAPI" with "cryptoPack=Placebo", without the quotes of course
save common.ini and close it
edit start.ini in your client directory, replace the line with "server=Tranquility" with "server=<your_server_url_or_domain>", <your_server_url_or_domain> should be or localhost if testing on the SAME machine as your server or some other IP address or URL
save start.ini and close it
alternatively, you can edit your EVE shortcut on your desktop to include the command line switch /server:<your_server_IP_address>, such as /server:
you're DONE!