Lua client for Neovim
The Makefile
pulls and builds various dependencies into .deps
Run tests against whatever nvim
is in $PATH
make test
Use a specific nvim
NVIM_PROG=/path/to/nvim make test
Use test tags (it('#foo', function() ...
NVIM_PROG=/path/to/nvim make test TEST_TAG=foo
- Bump the rockspec version and filename.
- Create and push a new tag.
TAG=$(echo *.rockspec | grep -o '[0-9].[0-9].[0-9].[0-9]') git tag -a "$TAG" -m "nvim-client $TAG" git push --follow-tags --dry-run git push --follow-tags
- Generate LuaRocks API key
- Upload the new rockspec.
./.deps/usr/bin/luarocks upload --api-key=xxx nvim-client-*.rockspec
- Note:
luarocks upload
requires a JSON library../.deps/usr/bin/luarocks install dkjson
- Note: