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bmc edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 3 revisions

Grizzled: A general-purpose library of Scala classes and objects


This is the Grizzled Scala Library, which is similar to the Grizzled Python Library, only for Scala. (Duh.) It contains a variety of miscellaneous utility classes and objects. Basically, whenever I find myself writing something that’s general-purpose, I put it in here, so I can easily use it in multiple projects.

Currently, the library is broken into a number of modules:

  • grizzled.binary: Some code that’s useful when dealing with binary
  • grizzled.cmd: A framework for building command interpreters, similar (in concept) to Python’s cmd module.
  • grizzled.collection: Helpers for Scala collections
  • grizzed.config: An enhanced INI-style configuration parser
  • grizzled.file: File system-related utility functions.
  • Some enhanced I/O functions and classes
  • grizzled.math: Some simple enhanced math functions
  • Network-related stuff, mostly Scala wrappers to simplify or
    extend the Java classes.
  • grizzled.parsing: Classes that aid in certain parsing logic
  • grizzled.readline: Front-end API for various readline-like libraries.
  • grizzled.string: Various useful string- and text-related functions.
  • grizzled.sys: System-related utilities, akin to Python’s sys module.

See the Grizzled Scala Library home page for more information.


Building the Grizzled Scala Library requires SBT (the Simple Build Tool). Install SBT, as described at the SBT web site. Then, run

sbt update

to pull down the external dependencies. After that step, build the Grizzled Scala Library with:

sbt compile test package

The resulting jar file will be in the top-level target directory.