Core codebase for JetCLR, a high-energy-physics tool for the self-supervised contrastive learning of jet representations.
JetCLR uses a permutation-invariant transformer-encoder network and a contrastive loss function to map jet constituents to a representation space which is approximately invariant to a set of symmetries and augmentations of the jet data, and is discriminant within the dataset it is optimised on. The symmetries and augmentations are coded in scripts/modules/, they are:
- symmetries:
- rotations in the rapidity-azimuthal plane, around the transverse-momentum-weighted centroid of the jet
- translations in the rapidity-azimuthal plane
- permutation invariance of the jet constituents, this is ensured by the network architecture
- augmentations:
- smearing of constituent coordinates, inversely proportional to their transverse momentum
- collinear splittings of jet constituents
The scheme for optimising the network is inspired by the SimCLR1 paper, and is coded here in scripts/ The mapping to the new representation space is entirely self-supervised, using only the physically-motivated invariances to transformations and augmentations of the data. Truth labels are not used in the optimisation of the JetCLR network.
For questions/comments about the code contact:
This code was initially written for the paper:
Symmetries, Safety, and Self-Supervision
Barry M. Dillon, Gregor Kasieczka, Hans Olischlager, Tilman Plehn, Peter Sorrenson, and Lorenz Vogel
1: 'A Simple Framework for Contrastive Learning of Visual Representations', Ting Chen, Simon Kornblith, Mohammad Norouzi, and Geoffrey Hinton (arxiv:2002.05709)