Harmony Core.IO to replace RustEdits IO.Core Oxide Extention.
Chat Commands:
/showiowires - Will show the IO wires to admins.
/reloaddoors - Will respawn and repaire to door manipulators any doors that are missing compared to the map file.
If your admin with god and no clip enabled.
It will let you bypass the block outs on IO entitys.
Such as change the wiring, pick up entitys, auth/loot turrets.
On Turret spawn it will give them 1 clip of ammo.
Once they run out of ammo it will give another clip of ammo after 60 seconds.
If unlimited ammo mode is enabled then it replaces the bullet as its shot so it never runs out.
Turrets wont attack if player is admin, has godmode and noclip enabled.
Elevators placed in the map are recreated on each startup. Then destroyed on shut down.
Using a clean shutdown method such as "quit" or "restart". will allow this process to happen properly.
If your server has a crash and misses the destroy phase. Then it will detect there already a elevator in that spot.
It will destroy it and restart the server so it can restart correctly with out having a elevator blocked up with lifts.
Copy Core.IO.dll to your "HarmonyMods" folder in the root of your rust servers install directory.