django-cruds is simple drop-in django app that creates CRUD (Create, read, update and delete) views for existing models and apps.
django-cruds goal is to make prototyping faster.
To add CRUD for whole app, add this to
from cruds.urls import crud_for_app urlpatterns += crud_for_app('testapp')
This will create following urls and appropriate views (assuming
there is a application named testapp
with model Author
URL | name |
/testapp/author/ | testapp_author_list |
/testapp/author/new/ | testapp_author_create |
/testapp/author/(?P<pk>d+)/ | testapp_author_detail |
/testapp/author/(?P<pk>d+)/edit/ | testapp_author_update |
/testapp/author/(?P<pk>d+)/remove/ | testapp_author_delete |
It is also possible to add CRUD for one model:
from django.db.models.loading import get_model from cruds.urls import crud_for_model urlpatterns += crud_for_model(get_model('testapp', 'Author'))
templatetag displays fields for an object:
{% load crud_tags %} <table class="table"> <tbody> {% crud_fields object "name, description" %} </tbody> </table>
Customizable CRUD url patterns crud_urls
urlpatterns += crud_urls( Author, list_view=MyAuthorListView.as_view(), activate=ActivateAuthorView.as_view(), )
Use cruds.util.crud_url
shortcut function to quickly get url for
instance for given action:
crud_url(author, 'update')
Is same as:
reverse('testapp_author_update', kwargs={'pk':})
accepts Model class as well for list actions, ie:
crud_url(Author, 'list') crud_url(Author, 'create')
returns permission name using Django
naming convention, ie: testapp.change_author.
django-cruds views will append CRUD template name to a list of default candidate template names for given action.
CRUD Templates are:
cruds/create.html cruds/delete.html cruds/detail.html cruds/list.html cruds/update.html
Install django-cruds:
pip install django-cruds
Then use it in a project, add cruds
- Django>=3.2<=4.0