Valgrind (cachegrind) textual diff
cg_difftext helps to compare the output of two Valgrind runs:
$ valgrind --tool=cachegrind ./sqlite_llvm <test.sql >/dev/null
Ir I1mr ILmr Dr D1mr DLmr Dw D1mw DLmw
1,278,771,731 29,231,219 35,783 359,414,267 6,707,514 528,920 197,515,528 2,594,262 171,968 PROGRAM TOTALS
Ir I1mr ILmr Dr D1mr DLmr Dw D1mw DLmw file:function
363,052,233 7,560,087 3,122 97,707,865 1,084,529 77,197 44,505,055 217,826 29,838 src/sqlite3.c:sqlite3VdbeExec
95,048,357 80,721 111 33,248,107 59,086 7,273 20,173,275 91 7 src/sqlite3.c:vdbeRecordCompareWithSkip
68,045,026 695,509 1,144 14,883,933 114,698 1,918 5,525,733 272,507 19,249 src/sqlite3.c:balance
56,713,554 1,101,002 276 18,416,705 683,914 21,085 3,453,665 1,947 25 src/sqlite3.c:sqlite3BtreeMovetoUnpacked
Instead of sorting the output by overall number of instructions, cg_difftext sorts by the biggest difference between the two compared profiles:
$ cachegrind.out.gcc cachegrind.out.llvm
[file_a] cachegrind.out.gcc
[file_b] cachegrind.out.llvm
Ir: 1,210,101,457 1,278,770,879 [ 68,669,422]
I1mr: 23,202,418 29,231,219 [ 6,028,801]
ILmr: 30,817 35,783 [ 4,966]
Dr: 337,329,529 359,414,081 [ 22,084,552]
D1mr: 6,107,672 6,707,514 [ 599,842]
DLmr: 522,450 528,920 [ 6,470]
Dw: 180,346,394 197,515,342 [ 17,168,948]
D1mw: 2,646,481 2,594,262 [ -52,219]
DLmw: 172,947 171,968 [ -979]
[func] sqlite3VdbeExec
[file] src/sqlite3.c
Ir: 305,641,560 363,052,233 [ 57,410,673]
I1mr: 4,725,208 7,560,087 [ 2,834,879]
ILmr: 2,215 3,122 [ 907]
Dr: 84,047,121 97,707,865 [ 13,660,744]
D1mr: 694,519 1,084,529 [ 390,010]
DLmr: 67,617 77,197 [ 9,580]
Dw: 29,174,474 44,505,055 [ 15,330,581]
D1mw: 170,442 217,826 [ 47,384]
DLmw: 29,600 29,838 [ 238]