R(outing)Ump(ire) is an experimenal upstream (i.e. server) selector for HTTP requests. It does not proxy the request but instead integrates with a load-balancer or reverse-proxy that exposes an upstream selection interface:
- nginx X-Accel-*
- ...
$ git clone git@github.com:bninja/rump.git
$ cd rump
$ mkvirtualenv rump
(rump)$ pip install -e .[tests]
(rump)$ py.test test/ --cov=rump --cov-report term-missing
Typically you can embed complex routing logic directly in a load-balancer or reverse-proxy (e.g. nginx lua, varnish vcl, etc) and that's what should be done 99% of the time.
This is an experiment to see what writing a Python based HTTP upstream selector would look like and what flexibility that gives you.
Use it as a program
or embed it as a lib
in your proxy.
Install it:
- ansible-rump
- ...
Use it:
$ rump list
$ rump show -d my-router
$ rump edit -d my-router
$ service rumpd status
Get it:
$ pip install rump
Use it:
import rump
router = rump.Router(
upstream = router.match_upstream(router.request_type(wsgi_environ))
if upstream:
server = upstream()