News Today is a social news aggregation and rating website.
It allows you to:
- Read and post articles based on topic
- Comment on articles (and delete your comment)
- Vote for (and against!) previously posted articles and comments
Please click here for a link to the RESTful API : which details routes and methods.
You will need node and mongo installed, please follow the links for instructions on how to do this.
Plese fork and clone this repository with the terminal command:
git clone<yourusername>/news-today-back-end.git
Navigate to the News Today Directory
cd news-today-back-end
Then run the the following command to install all dependencies, which can be seen in the package.json file
npm i
To run the environment locally, you wil need to have mongod running. Please enter the following command in a seperate shell:
Please make a config folder with the following three files:
an index.js file with:
module.exports = {
test: require('./test'),
development: require('./development')
a development.js file with:
module.exports = { db_url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/<db-filename>' };
a test.js file with:
module.exports = { db_url: 'mongodb://localhost:27017/<db-filename-test>' };
Please ensure your config and node modules are included in your .gitignore file
A command line script for seeing your database has been written for you, please see package.json scripts. This can be done with the following command:
npm run seed:dev
The test database is seeded before each it block is executed.
You can now launch the api locally with the command:
npm run dev
The dev enviroment will default to serve the api on port 9090 and connect to the local dev database. Nodemon will automatically restart the server if you save any changes in the codebase.
You should be able to access the local api in your browser:
For example, accessing the below should return all 36 dev articles:
There is a full test-suite available which tests all routes and methods on the api. You can run the tests with the following command:
npm test
This will automatically connect to the test database, seed the raw test data before each test and disconnect from the test database when complete.
- Express
- MongoDB
- Mongoose
- Mocha
- Chai
- Supertest
Ben Marley
Thanks to my fellow students and all the great staff at Northcoders, with special thanks to Jac Darby, for his support and mentorship.