- bridges path:
# 1. Connect to a login node
ssh bridges.psc.edu
# 2. Connect to r383 (the namenode)
ssh r383
# 3. Load a special module:
module load /opt/packages/hadoop-testing/hadoop-envmod.txt
#request 8 nodes
interact -N 8 -t 08:00:00
#load Hadoop module:
#create dataset folder on Hadoop
hadoop fs -mkdir /dataset/
#install dataset on HDFS, this takes some time to upload dataset on Hadoop
hadoop fs -put /pylon5/mc5fr5p/hbagheri/00_dataset/annotations.seq /dataset/
- I contacted XSEDE's team because circuits config in the
file was enabled and needed Hadoop's config to support this for boa queries. They changed the config and we used this command to start Hadoop instead of above command, i.e.start-hadoop.sh
Finally I disabled the circuit config in Boa Runner and then we don't need the above specialized Hadoop config. We run Hadoop as usual.
./runHadoop.sh query.boa /output/path/on/hadoop/
- on XSEDE it is important to copy the output on your local machine because HDFS will be deleted.
- Hadoop job list:
hadoop job -list all
- kill job:
hadoop job –kill <JobID>
- see job status:
hadoop job -status <JobID>
- use Yarn to check status:
yarn application -status <ApplicationID>
- yarnTime.sh file that gives the run time of a given application_id
bash yarnTime.sh application_id