- Protobuffer schema and the step by step data generation is shown here.
- JSON files version of NR for MongoDB
Boag is a domain-specific language and infrastructure on top of Hadoop for genomics data. Website: https://boalang.github.io/bio/
Boag example on the infrastructure: http://boa.cs.iastate.edu/examples/boag/index.php
You need to install Java. Boag compiler is written in Java. It can be downloaded here.
These instructions will get you a command line, jupyter notebook, Docker container, and Hadoop version of Boag. You can also set up a programming environment in Eclipse.
- Prerequisite is Jupyter: install
- Jupyter notebook instructions and example
- Boag compiler is written in Java. See the source code
- This is a video on step by step instructions to set up programming environment on Eclipse for Boa compiler. link
- Google Drive Link
- Web interface is also implemented in the Ubuntu linux and it can be seen in the VirtualBox.