A set of Dockerfiles and scripts to set up a build/test environment for Krita3
#Build the kdework container
To set this up: Download the files then create kdedev image with:
sudo docker build -t kdedev -f Dockerfile-kdedev .
Then create the kdebuilddata data volume container:
sudo docker create -v /home/kdedev/ --name kdebuilddata -it kdedev
Then create the kdework container and mounting the to the kdebuilddata volume.
sudo docker run --name kdework --rm --volumes-from kdebuilddata -it kdedev
#Compile Qt5
Inside the container cd
to the kf5 directory:
cd kf5/
Then clone then compiles qt from git:
git clone git://code.qt.io/qt/qt5.git --branch 5.5
cd qt5
./configure -prefix $PWD/qtbase -opensource -confirm-license -nomake tests -nomake examples -dbus \
-no-separate-debug-info -xcb -system-xcb -qpa xcb -no-gtkstyle -release -force-debug-info -reduce-relocations \
#Compile KDE Frameworks
Change back to the home directory:
Clone kdesrc-build:
git config --global url."git://anongit.kde.org/".insteadOf kde: && \
git config --global url."ssh://git@git.kde.org/".pushInsteadOf kde: && \
mkdir -p extragear/utils && \
git clone kde:kdesrc-build extragear/utils/kdesrc-build && \
ln -s extragear/utils/kdesrc-build/kdesrc-build .
Then run kdesrc-build:
./kdesrc-build extra-cmake-modules
./kdesrc-build phonon
./kdesrc-build frameworks
Note: the KDEWebkit module will fail to build since QtWebkitWidgets is missing. That's fine since Krita doesn't need/use it at all.
#Download and Compile Krita 3
Check out Krita-Next:
cd ~/kf5/src/
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/calligra
cd calligra/
git checkout krita-next
Build and Install Krita
mkdir -p $HOME/kf5/build/calligra
cd $HOME/kf5/build/calligra
make -j4
make install
#Run it in VNC
If you're in the previous container exit out of it:
Now create the container with the $DISPLAY variable set:
sudo docker run -e DISPLAY=:1 --name kdework --rm --volumes-from kdebuilddata -it kdedev
Inside the container run X server, VNC server and window manager:
sudo Xvfb $DISPLAY +extension GLX +render -screen 0 1024x780x24 &
sudo x11vnc -display $DISPLAY &
openbox &
From the host machine. Find the ip address of the kdework container and connect to it with a VNC client:
vncviewer $(sudo docker inspect --format '{{ .NetworkSettings.IPAddress }}' kdework):5900
If the previous command didn't work you most likely have a version of Docker with different json structure. You'll need to manually find the ipaddress via 'docker inspect kdework' and start your client with that plus ':5900'
Now inside the container you can run Krita:
krita &
#Access the volume data from the host
To get the location of the files in your data volume container run:
sudo docker inspect --format '{{ index .Volumes "/home/kdedev" }}' kdebuilddata
(again if this doesn't work you'll have to manually find the location via docker inspect)
You can open it up in a filemanager via gksu for example:
gksu pcmanfm $(sudo docker inspect --format '{{ index .Volumes "/home/kdedev" }}' kdebuilddata)