- you will need to add aws keys for S3 access in the .env file.
- set all DB database/user/pass to everymedia. This can be changed in the docker-compose files
When you upload a file it gets stored temporarily on the server, then processed and uploaded to s3.
the media is put on a background queue to:
- upload the original file to S3
- get a thumbnail from a video using FFMPEG
- resize thumbnails and upload to S3
You can view the status of the jobs at http://localhost:8000/horizon/dashboard
After you upload the file, for a few seconds you will see "File is being processed" on the main screen, after a few seconds it will process and you can use the file.
- uploaded videos get the frame extracted at second 1 and that is used as a thumbnail
- all thumbnail images for videos/audio are resized so the page loads faster
- files are saved based on their sha1 hash, so uploading the same file with a different name does not cause a duplicate (currently no error displayed when duplicate uploaded)
docker-compose up
then wait.. it has to do a composer install and DB setup on first run
leave it for a bit and once composer container completes, exit and start back up again as the migrations container needs composer to be done. [@todo] make this flow more cleaner
npm install
- changing css ?
npm run dev
- docker
- php8
- mysql8
- redis
- laravel for the backend framework
- laravel horizon for the queue management
- ffmpeg for getting video thumbnails
- bootstrap
- bugsnag for error moritoring
- flysystem and aws-sdk for managing files on S3
- generating thumbnails from video files using ffmpeg
- popups and toasts
- Spend more time planning and focusing on the code structure instead of making a MVP
- Ability to tag or create custom categories. currently it automatically creates categories based on mime type, but we would want to go further e.g music genre
- More media types e.g pdf, csv, txt - all common types
-- Better handling of media types. classes e.t.c dedicated to types of files and previews. e.g pdf preview thumbnail from first page
-- Currently content types audio/video are check in controllers and views. there is probably a cleaner way to do this and have each 'Box' in the view rendered based on a component for each content type
- Show artwork for mp3 files from ID3
- Better authentication - email verification, 2FA. currently its a simple login/register
- User account removal - allow user to delete account and wipe all files including thumbnails
- Websockets to notify when file is processesed and auto update the page. also could be used if logged in on 2 devices, new media will auto appear when uploaded on another device
- Share media with other registered users, or add public links to files
- Store (redis) where you were when listening/watching media, and resume from that last position
- Add the ability to play media over chromecast (javascript/html)
- Use more of FFMPEG abilities, e.g auto convert videos to common format
- Upload multiple files at once, using chunks for large files. (part done, can do multi file, no chunks)
- No reload after upload, elements should be added based on data send over sockets once the media is processed by jobs
- tests, integragration, unit, code style checkers e.t.c
- CICD..pipelines .e.t.c dev and prod env
-- Currently deployments are just a simple git push to ec2, and that triggers some docker commands via git hooks
- Media delivered over cloudfront instead of direct from S3. currently bucket is eu-west-1
- Thumbnails could be stored locally, but having it all on S3 makes it easier to share the project
- Would have preferred to do it in vue js but was more familiar with bootstrap+jquery so reverted to that to get it done faster
- Dark theme, detect current system theme
- Better button layout for files, there are too many buttons for download, delete, edit. better to have a right click menu instead of all the different buttons for e
- Use cron jobs to "watch" a folder and auto import media
- Lazy load the page if there is a lot of content
- More meta data options e.g image exif data
- Different layout options. currently it shows icons and file name. The ability to show files in a list would be good
- search for files (sphinx/elasticsearch or basic datatables in browser)
- show most recent / most acccessed media at the top, push unused media to the bottom. accessed_at timestamp in the DB
- autoplay next music track