- 0.1.0 -> StopWatch
- 0.2.0 -> Dark/Light Mode
- 0.3.0 -> Alarm View + SetPage
- 0.4.0 -> Calender View + One-DayPick + Multi-DayPick + WeekPick
- 0.5.0 -> Single Timer + SetPage + DismissPage
- 0.6.0 -> Sport Timer (Tabata) + SetPage(half) + SoundEffect + SoundSpeech(so,so)
- 0.6.1 -> test in android enviroment (AlarmSetPage fixed)
- 0.6.2 -> test in android enviroment (SwipeView Timers fixed but indeicator isnt show whereis thepage)
- 0.6.3 -> test in android enviroment (Single timer fixed but dismissPage button dont swipe to cancel/stop, just on button clicked work)
- 0.6.4 -> test in android enviroment (sport timer)
- 0.6.5 -> sportTimer soundEffects & soundSpeech Mute/Unmute
- 0.6.6 -> Style sportTimer SetPage (Count Down Before Round Starts & Turn off/on SoundEffects & Turn off/on SoundSpeech)
- 0.6.7 -> Sound Effect/Speech pause & resume
- 0.6.8 -> Dark/Light mode save on database.
- 0.6.9 -> setup Database System + connect Alarm and Alarm-set-page with database + modify dark/light mode save on D.B (move into db system)
- 0.7.0 -> Background application (just for now its ok it keep running whole application on background, not a service so it's not optimized maybe android close this in some situations) + (i figuraout how to temperory fix this problem: on android settings select app -> battary usage -> optimize -> disable, and turn on allow-background-activities in same app settings page this works forever untill phone battary dies or less than ~~~ 10-5% the app will kill by O.S)
- 0.8.0 -> Logs (create new log , add message to log, view messages , view logs)
- 0.8.1 -> logs & alarm setPage for android fixed autopopup keyboard.
- 0.8.2 -> Logs (logSetPage style fixed)
- 0.8.3 -> logs (database logMessage & logs fixed on delete Cascade)
- 0.9.0 -> eventGroups added.
- 0.9.1 -> test on android.
- 0.9.2 -> titlebar each page (instead of pLarm static text switch text with page change).
- 0.9.3 -> Alarm text is disabled after first alarm creation, and cant create new one.
- 0.10.0 -> events + (event setPage) added.
- 0.10.1 -> event list -> fix style.
- 0.10.2 -> event set page -> pick start/end date fixed (but needed to update style + some updates for calender).
- 0.10.3 -> event setpage components and style -> pickup date and time; switch active; (pick clock inst include)
- 0.10.4 -> event setpoge component clock picker added.
- 0.10.5 -> the indicator from 4 Rectangle changed into PathView.
- 0.10.6 -> swipeLunchIndex cleaned (dirty variable and signals removed).
- 0.10.7 -> MyNewIndicator icon theme Fixed (when theme Changed the icons were not correct).
- 0.10.8 -> logMEssages -> clock/time fixed.
- 0.11.0 -> LogPage -> Delete miniMenu.
- 0.11.1 -> LogMessages -> Delete.
- 0.11.2 -> EventGroupsPage -> Delete.
- 0.11.3 -> when themeSwitched swipe index gone into 0 bcz of refreshIcons for MyNewIndicator.
- 0.11.4 -> customize component miniMenu and edit used this component codes.
- 0.11.5 -> log Message -> copy text to clipboard
- 0.11.6 -> getCurrentDateAndTime updated -> if hour,minute,second were less than ten, e.g logMessages will have problem to sort from SQL as DATE AND TIME so zero added for less than ten values.
- 0.11.7 -> page stacks are updated.
- 0.11.8 -> groupEvent, Logs -> child -> title -> limited and sliced are removed.
- 0.11.9 -> logs -> mesage -> miniMenu -> edit message added.
- 0.11.10 -> eventGroup setpage clean inputs when button cancel/save clicked.
- 0.11.11 -> eventgroup -> miniMenu -> update selected element.
- 0.11.12 -> loglist -> miniMenu -> update selected element.
- 0.11.13 -> logSetPage -> clear data when button cancel/save clicked.
- 0.11.14 -> log -> log Message -> edit message -> when back button clicked change flag editing_Message and clear text also stackLog.
- 0.11.15 -> stopWatch -> centerButton -> when resume color->normal , when paused bcolor = red.
- 0.11.16 -> alarm list -> click action -> edit alarm.
- prioritize system
- prioritize setpage
- event system
- events list -> move; modify, delete , event from Eventgroup;
- event; eventSetPage -> routine; reminder; repeats;
- envet day picker popup , when button save/cancel clicked it must clear all days , it does clear all days selected but title week isnt unselect its keep selected after reset
- event day picker popup , when button save/clear clicked it dont clear all days, for example in next year/months i saw some days picked !!!!!!!! how? idk
- clockpicker componenet has bug, (add reset value signal + minute picker isnt work when move the circle.)
- event group list -> group;
- EventGroups -> minimenu isnt center Y!
- LogMessages -> minimenu when wants find the y or center of element cant style good!
- miniMenuEditAndDelete.qml -> when background element is listModel , it scroll down, the Y value is more than Root.height so this component going very down and its not possible to see that.
- settings page
- myNewIndicator with swipeLunchIndex, indicator dont follow the sayCurrentindex correclty, it dont show the actived in center of page, index is setet but dont show in center of indicator!
- move the dark/light mode into settings,
- fileter inputs and show eror when some inputs are invalid or empty when user is in setpage.
- all setPages; all textEdits; -> fix float text cursor when page is not on!
- dark/lightmode -> some buttons dont changecolor or isnt match with main color theme.
- qml contorls -> front color theme/style is work for android but for desktop not!
- backbutton -> make stack for back and when stack is empty backbutton pressed show message do you want quit app? stack is usefull for when user is inner/downlevel of some pages like EG/E/New
- application lunch index (for swipeview) i.g when i open app show me first page the sport timer or last closed page (which index where on and then app closed)
- lunch/quit logs for app, i.g when app opend do some action like save data inside the logs 'app lunch' or 'app close' with date and time // its useful for later to do something like : if user opened the app save a log in wakeup in new day same for sleep time;
- message/error system: show something to user
- confirmation system: for quit, delete, save, quit without saving make sure user is sure.
- MySwitch component: when theme switched between dark/light switch isnt change color correctly sometimes has bad color.
- MySwitch component: when init switch turned on the button and backcolor isnt look good.
- dismissPage: some erros show up + swipe somewhere in adnroid isnt work
- LogsPage,Alarm,LogMessages.qml : optimize and avoid to twice fetch from database + change name .js as SaveLoad into just load...
- componenet myswitch when status changed more than once the background is still old background color (active -> diactive ==> bgcolor active, active) bg needs update with status
- Alarm -> componenet myCombo -> //when value changed and not saved the combo still have wrong value in next openup.
- stopwatch -> save laps into/as logs
- stopwatch -> titling the laps
- stopwatch -> show miliseconds (needed to font smaller);
- stopwatch -> lap list -> scroll list to latest/last/downest lap;
- stopwatch -> lap -> overall time fixed.
- alarm system
- alarm: input name isnt valid check, must remove qouts ' or " or replace something with those.
- alarm: if alarm name is empty button save clicked show message must enter name for alarm.
- Alarm set page : Text alarm name when button save clicked disable/.. to avoid leave pointer text on all app.
- Calender PickDay (multi month day picks)
- Calender (Shadow DayCircle)
- Calender pick solo day mode
- Calender output days push number zero into some variants, avoid this useless zero.
- sport timer cycle show isnt update correct.
- sport timer -> custom effect sounds;
- sport timer -> re-voice the 'set' to 'round';
- sport timer -> custom text/sound speech; i.g when rest came say break for me;
- sportTime : SPEECH FIX say (READ, GO).
- SportTimer : SounEffects selectable to pick SoundPack, SoundSpeech selectable to pick SpeechPack.
- sportTimer : report with speeech remaining/left .
- single timer -> custom alarm sound;
- multi timer
- onWay Timer ; onWay SetPage ; onWay list ; onWay Group?
- log list -> edit; delete logs;
- log messages -> message list -> scroll to latest/last/downest of list page/message;
- log message -> edit; delete; copy; messages;
- log essage -> when box is empty it is posbile to send empty message !!!!!!!! its forbiden
icons8.com for icons.
ttsmp3.com for Text To Speech Voices.
mixkit.co for Sound Effect.
https://dribbble.com/shots/10918806-Smart-Alarm-app for Design alarm style + set alarm.
https://dribbble.com/shots/9709600-Daily-UI-Events-Dark-Version for Calender base.
https://github.com/FONQRI/AndroidAlarm for how to draw canvas + theme Material Controls.
https://ideone.com/aDwLCM for how to find calender Date to DayOfWeek formual.
https://aparat.com/v/7LUOt?playlist=66791 for Qml Tutorial.
https://gist.github.com/joseluisq/dc205abcc9733630639eaf43e267d63f for how to add two date together.
https://fecub.wordpress.com/2016/01/08/save-your-qt-quick-app-settings-easily-with-localstorage/ for how to save localdata