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Binding descriptions

holfordm edited this page May 13, 2024 · 1 revision

An ongoing project at the Bodleian is creating detailed descriptions of 12th-century English bindings. To make these descriptions available in the online catalogue, and to make the contents of the descriptions available for detailed analysis, we are proposing several modifications to the TEI binding element. We are aware of other projects which have extended the TEI P5 guidelines by, for example, using decoNote to describe other binding features []. We have preferred to elaborate the content model of binding and to create a number of new elements which are specific to binding features.

Changes to the content model of binding

binding element becomes a member of att:typed

This allows a systematic recording of binding structures using a controlled vocabulary.

The type attribute provides a general classification of the binding structure; suggested values limp, inboard.

The subtype attribute provides a narrower classification of inboard structures; suggested values earlyMedieval, romanesque, gothic.

dimensions is allowed within binding

history is allowed within binding

New elements

Each element may appear any number of times. The elements may appear in any other.


A separate element should be used for each distinct endleaf or endleaves.

The type attribute should describe the structure of the endleaf, suggested values integral, separate.

The subtype attribute should describe whether the endleaf is composed of virgin or reused material, suggested valued virgin, reused.

The support attribute describes the material of the endleaf, suggested values perg, chart.


The stitching attribute

The supports attribute records the number of sewing supports.


The material attribute describes the material of which the boards (as distinct from the coverings) are composed; possible values include wood, chart.

The squares attribute identifies the presence or absence of squares.

The reused attribute indicates if there is evidence that the boards have been recycled from an earlier binding.





The type attribute provides a classification of the nature of the covering; suggested values primary, secondary, foreedgeFlap.

The extent attribute describes the area of the boards over which the covering extends; suggested values full, half, quarter, none.

The material attribute classifies the material of which the covering is comprised; suggested values skinTawed, skinTanned, perg, chart, textile.

The colour attribute describes the colour of the covering.


The direction attribute describes the direction in which the fastening(s) close. Values rtl [right to left], ltr [left to right], unknown.

The type attribute classifies the nature of the fastening(s); suggested values tie, clasp.

The condition attribute describes the condition of the fastening(s), suggested values lost, repaired, original, damaged.

The quantity attribute records the number of fastenings (the (presumed) original number, not the current number).



The type element classifies the bookmark; suggested values leafThread, ribbon, rotatingColumn.


