I am a Secondary Digital Technologies teacher who is passionate about empowering young people to get the most out of technology while being safe and sensible in the cyber space.
My teaching goals:
- Create a free, reasonable ATAR Computer Science textbook and workbook that addresses the syllabus for both year 11 and 12
- Provide a free, comprehensive system for generating practice tests and exams for the ATAR Computer Science syllabus
- Provide free, high quality exams to any school in Western Australia for use in the ATAR Computer Science school-based assessments
- Create a logical, comprehensive and easily implemented teaching plan aimed at years 7 and 8 to give them a good, functional foundation in computing, not just programming
- Actively petition SCSA to actually come up with a logical, modern syllabus and curriculum for the Digital Technologies space. No, students don't NEED to know how to manually decipher a Vigenere cipher, that's what computers are for!