Download functionality, based on react-native-background-downloader. All downloads are serial because of some issues on iOS with parallel download.
- Styles
- Progress event
- Network handling
- Wrapped resume functionality
- Custom download button with progress
- Whole lesson download (text, media, resources, comments)
npm i --save
Add podspecs to your Podfile then pod install
Inside AppDelegate.m
#import <RNBackgroundDownloader.h>
- (void)application:(UIApplication *)application handleEventsForBackgroundURLSession:(NSString *)identifier completionHandler:(void (^)(void))completionHandler
[RNBackgroundDownloader setCompletionHandlerWithIdentifier:identifier completionHandler:completionHandler];
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
iconColor | string | no | download button icon color (default white) |
textColor | string | no | download button text color (default white) |
entity | object | yes | the entity from which the library automatically extracts downloadable content (images, media etc) and plain text and downloads them |
additionalData | object | no | additional data to be downloaded (used for comments; to be changed in the future and moved into entity) |
parentStyle | object | no | touchable area style |
downloadExtendedEntity | func | no | extended entity used when downloading an entire course with special endpoint that gets all videos for all lessons (see mocks in index.js) |
Prop | Type | Required | Description |
resources | object | yes | resources to be downloaded |
import Download from 'RNDownload';
Download.addProgressListener(({id, val}) => {
//id is the downloading task id
//val is the value in percentage of the download progress