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chore: Update nix_update.yml in preroll-safety #26

chore: Update nix_update.yml in preroll-safety

chore: Update nix_update.yml in preroll-safety #26

Workflow file for this run

# This file is automatically generated by terraform. I hope it's
# readable, but please don't edit it.
"if": "always() && github.event_name != 'merge_group'"
- "ci_nix"
"actions": "read"
"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest"
- "env":
"NEEDS_JSON": "${{toJSON(needs)}}"
"name": "Transform outcomes"
"run": |
echo "ALL_SUCCESS=$(echo "$NEEDS_JSON" | jq '. | to_entries | map([.value.result == "success", .value.result == "skipped"] | any) | all')" >>$GITHUB_ENV
- "name": "check"
"run": "[ $ALL_SUCCESS == true ]"
"if": "always() && github.event_name == 'merge_group'"
- "ci_nix"
"actions": "read"
"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest"
- "env":
"NEEDS_JSON": "${{toJSON(needs)}}"
"name": "Transform outcomes"
"run": |
echo "ALL_SUCCESS=$(echo "$NEEDS_JSON" | jq '. | to_entries | map([.value.result == "success", .value.result == "skipped"] | any) | all')" >>$GITHUB_ENV
- "name": "check"
"run": "[ $ALL_SUCCESS == true ]"
"runs-on": "ubuntu-latest"
- "name": "Immediate success for improved visibility on github merge queue"
"run": "true"
"secrets": "inherit"
"uses": "./.github/workflows/ci_nix.yml"

Check failure on line 42 in .github/workflows/ci.yml

View workflow run for this annotation

GitHub Actions / .github/workflows/ci.yml

Invalid workflow file

error parsing called workflow ".github/workflows/ci.yml" -> "./.github/workflows/ci_nix.yml" (source branch with sha:6cb26791f44fab7b5540145fa2782a660de3edfb) --> "boinkor-net/ci-baseline-nix/.github/workflows/lints.yml@main" : failed to fetch workflow: workflow was not found.
"name": "CI"
"merge_group": {}
"branches": "main"
- "main"
"workflow_dispatch": {}