I recently made several asset gems out of the FullCalendar and the jquery.rest plugins. This is a simple example to see them in action. Take a look at the GemFile and the application.js and application.css files to see those in action.
Fullcalendar is an awesome jquery calendar. You can see it in action at this url:
This is an example of how to use it with Rails.
Here’s the gist… You can follow along commit-by-commit with the checkin comments; they explain everything pretty well.
started with a stock Rails 3.2 app
added my asset gems to add full calendar and jquery.rest into the mix
created an event model and controller as stock scaffolding, then modified the controller slightly to accept the query parameters for ranges that FullCalendar will throw at it.
created a controller/view for the calendar, but its pretty much just an empty div that FullCalendar enhances.
glued it all together with the javascript in app/assets/javascripts/calendar.js.coffee
Yes, the UI for the events is just scaffolding. I might pretty it up in the future, but the whole point of this exercise is a minimal example of using those two gems.
I had previously done this with Rails 3 at the rails3_fullcalendar repo of mine; that has now been OBE by this repo.
Have fun.
–Running this on your own machine.
check it out.
start the app
look at it in a browser