Basilisk is a object-NoSQL mapper for Python 2.7 and 3.3+, supporting models, lists, hashes and sorted sets.
A simple example:
import basilisk
basilisk.Config.load(redis={'host': 'localhost',
'port': 6379,
'db': 0,
'max_connections': 10},
class Item(basilisk.RedisModel):
id = basilisk.MapField(key=True)
name = basilisk.MapField()
content = basilisk.MapField()
attachments = basilisk.JsonMapField()
def select(cls):
redis_items = basilisk.RedisList('items')
variables = basilisk.RedisHash('items_variables')
last_modified = int(variables['last_modified'] or 0)
if (not len(redis_items) or
not last_modified or
last_modified + 30 < time.time()):
items = DownloadNewItemsFromDatabase(last_modified)
for item in items:
variables['last_modified'] = int(time.time())
return list(redis_items)
items =
for item in items:
You can just pip install basilisk
Feel free to browse the code and especially the tests to see what's going on behind the scenes. The current verson of Sphinx docs is always on
If you have any questions, feedback, want to say hi or talk about Python, just hit me up on
Please read CONTRIBUTORS file before submitting a pull request.
We use Travis CI. The targets are 10.00 for lint 10.00 and 100% for coverage, as well as building sphinx docs.
You can of also check the build manually, just make sure to pip install -r requirements.txt
pylint basilisk --rcfile=.pylintrc
coverage run --source=basilisk -m basilisk.tests && coverage report -m
cd docs && make html