cd into HomeWork0
change the VM's memory allocation to 2GB and host port to 8080
Bring up the local vm
Open a browser on your workstation and go to 'http://localhost:8080/'
You should be able to see a 'welcome to chef session' page.
Destroy the local VM.
The python script AARinstall.py
(mysql password is 'root') should be converted to a chef recipe, use the following steps:
- AARinstall.py begins with a comment of the steps it executes
cd into HomeWork1
start the local vm to develop on -
vagrant up
update the default recipe in the cookbook (cookbooks/my-first-cookbook/recipes/default.rb)
run the updated cookbook on the vm -
vagrant provision
verify the application is up at
and you can log in
write the tests in cookbooks/my-first-cookbook/spec/default_spec.rb
run the tests (cd into cookbooks/my-first-cookbook and run
chef exec rspec