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Flow Loader

Note: this service only works with Java 11

Every migration starts with creating a ChangeSet (annotated with @ChangeSet). It contains the following attributes:

Attribute Description Mandatory?
id Returns the ChangeSet's id that will be stored in the ChangeSet history table/collection and will the way to identify a ChangeSet. The combination of this field and the author must be unique among the changesets. Yes
order Returns the ChangeSet's execution order. Yes
author Returns the ChangeSet's author. The combination of this and the author must be unique among the changesets. No

Database Support

The Loader has been tested with MongoDB and Azure CosmosDB API for MongoDB.

There is an additional flag for supporting CosmosDB -Dflow.mongo.cosmosdbttl=true as TTL indexes are a known limitation. Additionally, support for CosmosDB means we can't use renameCollection() in our changesets.

ChangeLog and Lock Collections

The changelog and lock collections are defined in /loader/src/main/java/net/boomerangplatform/migration/config/

Creating Collections

To create a collection, use the db.createCollection() method.

    db.createCollection(collectionPrefix + "settings");

Adding Documents to Collections

In /loader/src/main/resources/flow, there are several numbered folders. The numbering for the folder matches the changeset in which it is applied.

For example,

  @ChangeSet(order = "026", id = "026", author = "Adrienne Hudson")
  public void createFlowSettings(MongoDatabase db) throws IOException {
    db.createCollection(collectionPrefix + "settings");

    final List<String> files = fileloadingService.loadFiles("flow/026/flow_settings/*.json");
    for (final String fileContents : files) {
      final Document doc = Document.parse(fileContents);
      final MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "settings");

where the documents added with changeset 026 are contained within the flow/026/flow_settings/ folder in /loader/src/main/resources/

Updating Documents in a Collection

Modifying existing documents requires identification of the document(s).

  @ChangeSet(order = "064", id = "064", author = "Adrienne Hudson")
  public void updateWorker(MongoDatabase db) throws IOException {
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "settings");
    Document workers = collection.find(eq("name", "Task Configuration")).first();
    List<Document> configs = (List<Document>) workers.get("config");

    for (Document config : configs) {
      if (config.get("key").equals("worker.image")) {
        config.put("value", "boomerangio/worker-flow:2.8.11");

    workers.put("config", configs);
    collection.replaceOne(eq("name", "Task Configuration"), workers);

In this example, we query to find the first document in the collectionPrefix + "settings collection with the "name": "Task Configuration" with the statement Document workers = collection.find(eq("name", "Task Configuration")).first();. Once the document has been identified, the config with "key":"worker.image" is updated with "value":"boomerangio/worker-flow:2.8.11" and the update is written back onto the document.

  @ChangeSet(order = "073", id = "073", author = "Adrienne Hudson")
  public void migrateEnablePersistentStorage(MongoDatabase db) throws IOException {

    final MongoCollection<Document> flowWorkflowsCollection =
        db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "workflows");
    final FindIterable<Document> flowWorkflows = flowWorkflowsCollection.find();
    for (final Document flowWorkflow : flowWorkflows) {

      boolean enablePersistentStorage = (boolean) flowWorkflow.get("enablePersistentStorage");

      Document storage =
          (Document) flowWorkflow.get("storage") != null ? (Document) flowWorkflow.get("storage")
              : new Document();

      Document workflowStorage =
          (Document) storage.get("workflow") != null ? (Document) storage.get("workflow")
              : new Document();

      workflowStorage.put("enabled", enablePersistentStorage);
      storage.put("workflow", workflowStorage);

      flowWorkflow.put("storage", storage);

      flowWorkflowsCollection.replaceOne(eq("_id", flowWorkflow.getObjectId("_id")), flowWorkflow);


In this example, the update applies to every document in the collectionPrefix + "workflows" collection. By using the org.bson.Document.put(String key, Object value) and org.bson.Document.remove(Object key), object can be created, updated, or removed from a document.

Removing Documents in a Collection

To remove a document in a collection, use the db.collection.findOneAndDelete() method.

  @ChangeSet(order = "108", id = "108", author = "Adrienne Hudson")
  public void removeTemplates(MongoDatabase db) throws IOException {
    MongoCollection<Document> collection = db.getCollection(collectionPrefix + "workflows");
    collection.findOneAndDelete(eq("name", "Looking through planets with HTTP Call "));
    collection.findOneAndDelete(eq("name", "MongoDB email query results"));

How to Run

Run Local MongoDB w Docker

docker run --name local-mongo -d mongo:latest


mvn clean package

java{profile} -jar target/loader.jar

If you are running a higher version of Java, you will need to locate the Java 11 version by running

/usr/libexec/java_home -V

Using the output you can then run the particular version, such as

/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/ibm-semeru-open-11.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java -jar target/loader.jar


docker run -e JAVA_OPTS=" -Dflow.mongo.collection.prefix=flow" --network host --platform linux/amd64 boomerangio/flow-loader:latest