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Gatsby Theme Boomerang

The Gatsby Boomerang theme includes all the configuration you need to build a site with Boomerang and the Carbon Design System.

Uses Gatsby themes functionality

Getting started

  1. Install yarn if you don't have it
  2. yarn install at the root of the project (not for each package)
  3. yarn dev to start the example app
  4. Make changes to the example sample content docs or the theme to see changes


yarn dev

Start the example app that uses the gatsby-theme-boomerang

yarn build

Build the example app that uses the gatsby-theme-boomerang

yarn lint:js

Lint all of the .js files

yarn format

Format all of the css,scss,json,html,yaml,mdx files

yarn release

Use lerna to release gatsby-theme-boomerang

Project Structure

Yarn and Lerna managed monorepo. There are two packages - gatsby-theme-boomerang and example. The former is the theme itself and the latter is a Gatsby application that uses the theme.