This plugin adds support for JSON files to eclipse. You can install the latest version directly from this update site:
You can also get this plugin from the eclipse Marketplace.
A small video demonstration is available on YouTube
- Supports every eclipse flavor (JavaEE, CDT, RCP, you name it!)
- Supports eclipse version 3.7 - 2019-12-R and most probably later versions
- Conforms to the JSON standard as defined in the RFC 4627 by D. Crockford
- Deep Integration (File wizards, tree outline, preference pages)
- Quick Outline with reg-ex support
(CTRL + O)
- Highly configurable code formatting
- Custom syntax highlighting
- Text folding and range highlighters
- Detects duplicate keys
- Reliable, resilient and fast syntax tree parsing and validation through ANTLR 4
- Available for free - that's a feature, isn't it?
See this getting started page or the release management cheat sheet.
This software is licensed in compliance with the eclipse Foundation under the eclipse Public License 1.0.
This plugin was formerly hosted at